6 - Questions

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anywhere with you is everywhere i want to be

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anywhere with you is everywhere i want to be


Upon reaching the door of Arthur's office, I raised my fist and knocked on the door as I patiently waited, rocking back and forth on my heels.

My eyes glanced towards the two tall bookshelves at the far right and I visibly cringed. I am never going to do anything like that ever again.

"Come in," Arthur's muffled voice said from inside the office (no my legs did not just clench) and I took a deep breath as I grabbed the door handle and opened it.

First, I peeked my head inside just in time to see Arthur turn his head towards me as he clenched his jaw and turned around from where he was standing in front of a bookshelf.

I gave him a small smile as I stepped inside his office and closed the door behind me. Okay, not bad so far.

Also, woah.

Since I'm sober, I am just now realizing how magnificent his office is.

There are no windows at all making the chandelier on top of the only source of light, and there are bookshelves all around with a spiral staircase towards my right that leads up to a door. A table and spinny chair is right in front of me where I can see clattered items on top and a Mac.

I feel like I have travelled back in time.

And then there was the man himself. For some reason, he looked like he fit just right in the space and I wouldn't have believed it unless I actually saw him standing here.

Which he is.

Arthur looks breathtaking clad in a simple black shirt and black pants.

And panty-dropping.

That's enough.


"You look nice," I blurted out as I shamelessly checked him out from head to toe.

Arthur's eyebrows shot up for a split second before he cleared his throat and shoved a hand in his pocket, "Thanks,"

There was a moment where my eyes flitted back up to Arthur's face, only to find him doing exactly what I was doing a second ago, his green eyes trailing a path down my body before trailing back up.

He's checking me out!

I also didn't fail to notice how his eyes lingered longer on my breasts than in any other place.

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