Ch.7 - Dumpster Cheese

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  My body shifts to the side, feeling quite comfortable on the couch. Though, it's softer than I thought it should've been. I turn to find the couch frame, and at that point, I would've had my back against it by now. I turn again. And again.. An- Wait-

  I roll off, my eyes immediately jolts open as I fall onto the ground. While being half-awake, I have absolutely no idea what even happened. Rubbing my head from the impact against the floor, my eyes adjust to the room. The realization sets in as I'm now in a completely different room. A bedroom, specifically.

  "FRANCIS!!" I yell out, my words echo out of the room. Then not even a second later, I hear footsteps rushing, getting louder before Francis emerges into the bedroom, looking panicked and confused.

  "What's going on!?" He calls out for me, looking panicked and confused before spotting me on the ground. A pouty look on my face. "(Y/n), you okay?" He walks towards me and crouches in front of me.

  "First of all, I am okay. Second, Why am I in THE FUCKING BEDROOM!?" He flinches at the sound of me yelling. A grin creeps up to his face, replacing the concerned look he had before and laughs nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

  "Well, you se-"

  "No no no." I cut him off, holding up a finger at him. "We agreed, on my me sleeping on the couch. Why did you move me to the bed?"

  "I just felt generous?" He replies unsurely, showing a sweet smile like a proud puppy. I held back a chuckle at his look by facepalming myself and stand up from the floor.

  "Whatever, I appreciated it, but I liked the couch more." I say while adjusting my clothes, the same uniform from yesterday. But not gonna lie, the bed felt quite nice I guess, and I really can't say I didn't like his service, just wish I was left on the couch. He grunts before getting up, standing quite close to me, causing me to back a feet away upon realizing it. And there it goes, that weird feeling again.

  "Mmm.. Suit yourself. I'm gonna go to work now." His words made me realize something else. I pull his arm, stopping him before he could leave. "What are yo-"

  "What time is it?" I spoke out quickly. He blinks at me before looking down at his watch.

  "Humm it's uhh.. 9 in the morning?" He replies. I quickly run past him, out into the living room. But I stop remembering I have to change.

  "Do you have a spare shirt? Uh, collared." I ask, turning to him. He nods and goes into his closet to pull out a soft green colored shirt.

  "It's the only small one I have that might fit you-" He pulls his hands back the moment I snatched it from him and ran into the bathroom. I quickly put on the shirt with ease. It's quite loose, and the fabric sensation of my least favorite but I don't bother it and went out either way. He's already gone to work, and just left his apartment unlocked.

  I bump against a few people down the streets before finally arriving the workplace, panting and reach out for a wall to support myself from collapsing.

  "You're late." The manager approaches me, seemingly to have been waiting at the entrance. And checking back at the time, he has been waiting for me about a couple of hours ago. But it's not a problem, he might give me a warning instead.

~Sincerely, Your Neighbor 💌 [Milkman x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon