"Did she say what she wanted?" Damon asked. "No I got my neck snapped before I could ask," Allison said. "Woman certainly knows how to make an entrance," Damon said. "She said she fooled one of us at least and it's not me or Allison. So what does that mean?" Stefan asked. "She pretended to be Elena too when I showed up earlier tonight," Damon told him. "I told Jeremy. I can't lie to him anymore." Elena said walking into the kitchen. "Are you alright?" Stefan asked her. "No, I'm not alright. I thought that with all the tomb vampires gone things would get better." Elena said. "I know we all did," Stefan said.

"Katherine was in this house. That means that she's been invited in. What are we gonna do?" Elena asked. "Move," Damon said. "Very helpful," Elena told him. "Katherine wants you dead. There's zero you can do about it. You would be dead but you're not. So clearly she has other plans." Damon said.  "Right, and we need to find out what those other plans are and not provoke her in the process," Allison said. "What happened tonight when you thought she was Elena?" Stefan asked Damon.

"To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead we kissed," Damon said. "And you thought it was me?" Elena asked. "What do you mean you kissed?" Stefan told him. "Well you know when two lips pucker and they go," Damon said imitating kissing noises. Stefan ran up to Damon, but Damon was faster than him and moved away.

"Don't be obvious Stefan," Damon said and Stefan started going towards him again but Allison pushed him back. "Stefan wait he kissed Katherine. Not me. I wouldn't do that. We don't have time for this guys." Elena said. "Later," Stefan said as he looked at Damon. "John must know something. There has to be a reason why Katherine tried to kill him." Elena said.

"She's Katherine. She loved to play games and you're fooling yourself if you think you're gonna find out what she's up to before she wants you to know." Damon told her. "No, actually Elena's right. John could know something through Isobel. Your mother she was in touch with Katherine so maybe we can go to the hospital and get him to talk." Stefan told Elena.

"I've got a better idea," Damon said. "What's that?" Elena asked. "I'm just gonna ignore the bitch. See ya." Damon said. "Is that smart?" Elena asked him. "If Kathrine thinks she's being ignored it'll lure her out she'll make a move," Damon said. "Yeah? Then what?" Allison asked. "Stake her, rip her head off. Something poetic. We'll see." Damon told her.

Allison was on her way to the Lockwoods when she got a text from Bonnie. "Katherine," Allison said as she and Stefan stood in the doorway where Katherine had Bonnie pinned to the wall. "Stefan, Alli." Katherine greeted. "Leave her alone," Stefan told her. "Okay," Katherine said as she let Bonnie go and then walked out of the room. "You go deal with her I'll stay with Bonnie," Allison told Stefan. "Thanks," Bonnie said. "No problem," Allison told her. "About the device, I'm so, so sorry. I wasn't thinking." Bonnie told her. "It's fine. I get it. How's Caroline?" Allison asked her.  "She doing a lot better," Bonnie told her. "That's good. Now what do you say we go mingle?" Allison said as she offered her arm. "Sure," Bonnie said linking arms with her.

"Ooh she got you good, didn't she? We tried to track her but she's gone." Allison said as she and Damon approached Elena and Stefan. "Ooh cover up, Fabio. We got a crazy ex on the loose. Better watch out looks like Katherine's trying to steal your guy." Damon said. "That's not what's happening," Stefan said. "Isn't it? I mean it's only fair since I went after your girl." Damon told him. "I'm gonna go check on Jenna and Jeremy. Let me know when you guys are done." Elena said getting up and leaving the siblings alone.

"So what's it gonna be? Fight to the death. Go ahead, make your threats, stake your claim." Damon said putting his fists up. "I'm not gonna fight you," Stefan told him. "Why? I'd fight me." Damon told him. "Okay enough. Katherine's gonna try and play us against each other so stop." Allison said tired of their bickering. "Don't worry little sis our bond is unbreakable," Damon said. "We need to stay united against her. So, yes, as much as I would like to kill you I'm not gonna fight you." Stefan told Damon. "I kissed Elena," Damon said.

"Because you feel something for her. Because you actually care. And I'm not gonna let Katherine come in here and destroy that part of you that has finally after all this time willing to feel something. She'll try to break you. She'll try to break us. And how we respond to that will define us. It's our choice. So I'm not gonna fight you." Stefan said before walking away. "He's right you know," Allison said before walking away as well.

"Hello, Katherine," Allison said as she sat in her vanity taking off her jewelry. "Boo. Why are you so hard to trick and your brothers are so easy." Katherine said taking a seat on Allison's bed. "Because I know you like the back of my hand kitty. So what are you doing here?" Allison asked as she sat next to Katherine. "I came to see you. I missed you, Ali." Katherine said as she caressed her face. "I'll find out eventually. I always do Katherine." Allison told her. "Well, I'm going to go torture you brothers. I'll see you, Ali." Katherine said kissing her cheek then leaving her room.
Allison is gonna be pissed at Damon...

The Rose and it's Thorn|Jeremy GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now