"I- I uh.. Well- Uh-." I stammer from how close he is to me. I grab his wrist to try and pull myself away, but he has me locked in place.

"Cat got your tongue? What a shame~" He says teasingly, staring into my eyes with a smirk of mocking seduction. My head goes blurry and I feel my face heating up. My look causes him to laughs softly and pulls me away. I stand there, in shock for what just happened there before rubbing the back of my neck with a nervous laugh.

"That's funny, yeah." I muttered and look away. He has already continued working on his papers again when I glance back at him like nothing happened. "I need a moment will you?" I head to the bathroom.

I lock the door and scream into my hat.

The lockdown is longer than I expected. I'm not sure how long it's been, but it's not even the end of my shift yet. I'm sitting on the floor, leaning back against the couch. I refuse to sit on the couch because I know damn well I'll fall asleep. Despite the dying need of sleep, I don't want to when I'm in his apartment.

I fight myself to stay up by staring at the tv, but it only makes me even more bored, therefore makes me even more sleepy. Sleep sleep sleep, that's all on my mind and it's furstrating. What makes it worse is my stomach sore from that melting man bastard. My arm wraps around it to try and stop the soreness.

I rub my eyes and groaned loudly.

"When will it end?" I whined.

"Mmm.. Not for a while, they're struggling to locate it." Francis speaks out from behind. I look over the couch to see him walking out of the bathroom with a robe on, taking a sip from his mug.

"It's boring here. Only if they just release a canine, then their job would be much easier." I say. He pulls on the top of his robe a bit, showing a bit more of his chest, and I would take a glance at it when he's not looking at me. Not sure if he's doing that on purpose or what.

"Do you not have anything else to do?" He looks at me with a tired look on his face. I look back at him and shrugged. He continues to stare at me for a few seconds before sighing deeply and heads to the kitchen.

I'm a bit skeptical and suspicious of this guy. The way he's acti- whatever. I'm not taking anymore chances with him, I'm not falling for whatever trick he has up his sleeves.

Standing up, I follow him into the kitchen. He turns around as he heard me stomping, me glaring at him with crossed arms.

"What is there you're planning?" I ask skeptically, narrowing my eyes at him. He flashes a puzzled look as he puts away a towel.


"Yes, you have been spending more time with me from the past few weeks." He opened his mouth to say something before I continued. "The first week you tend to avoid me, then the second, you've become more talkative, and now, you're trying to get closer to me."

"(Y/n), you're talking nonsense." He says, scratching the back of his head. No way he's being serious.

"Oh really? Then how can you explain the way you've been acting?"

"What are you talking about?" He says concerningly. I raise a brow at him denying my assumptions.

"You- What do you mean you don't know!?" I'm in disbelief, how can this man not remember? He walks closer to me.

"I know you haven't slept from the way you're acting right now. Please, get some sleep. And since you've ran from a doppelganger, I'm concerned you've been hurt again." His voice becomes soft and was about to touch my shoulder but I back away. My body sways bit.

"How would you know I've been hurt!?"

"You don't have to know, (y/n). Tell me, where have you been hurt?" He remains calm. I didn't want to fight him in this moment, but I just want answers to this deep hole I dug myself into. "(y/n), tell me." He asks again concerningly. Giving up, I stop myself from yelling.

"My stomach." I reply and hiss a bit, wrapping my arms around it. His brows rises as he nods and brush past me to his bedroom.

I look back at him and frowned, but I light up seeing him placing a medkit on the couch.

"C'mere, I'll take care of that." He requests with a gesture. I just want to get a piece of solace, and the bruise disturbs it. With a sigh, I come over to him.

Pretty much he had found my piece of mind. As he wraps my abdomen with the bandage, I can't help but blush a bit from his fingers brushing against my skin. Once he's done, he pulls my shirt back down and rests his hand on my now bandaged abdomen while he stares at me. Eye contact remained before he looks away and rubs the back of his neck.

"Well, you'll recover from it soon, perhaps." He went to put away the med supplies. As I watch him, I chuckle a bit.

"Thanks, I guess." I smile at him, a sign of appreciation for once I'll ever give him. Him hearing that made him look at me, smile and chuckle sweetly.

"So, want me to move you to the bedroom?" He offered as he stands up.

"I'm okay with the couch."

"You sure? I'm sure the bed is more comfor-" I groan loudly as my smile fades.

"Yes I'm sure." I reply harshly.


I didn't feel mad at them being harsh with me, in fact, it's entertaining. Better yet, seeing them smile at me, I couldn't help but think of how cute it was. It's not the first time I ever see them smile, yet I would never get tired of it.

"Mmm.. If you say so." I shrug at their response and went to put the medkit away.

But as I came back, they had already fallen asleep. Glad I brought a blanket, in case that they need it. Though I didn't have to know.

I gently place the blanket over their body up to their chin, and carefully adjust it a bit as I tuck them in. I feel like they wouldn't appreciate the service at some circumstance, hence for what they went through today. But I would careless.

Before I go, I lean down to press a light kiss on their forehead. I laugh quietly at the sight of them smiling gently.

"Goodnight (y/n)."

[[Y/N'S POV]]

Feeling the kiss, the tender goodnight message made me feel butterflies in my stomach. The moment I hear his bedroom door close, I plant my face into the cushion and scream into it as loudly as I could.


Holy shit I'm gonna die now /j

Is this chapter just an excuse to put this doodle I made here? Yeah :3c

Is this chapter just an excuse to put this doodle I made here? Yeah :3c

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I want him so bad actually give me a chance

[Words: 1882]

~Sincerely, Your Neighbor 💌 [Milkman x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now