One: Golden Grass

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The Sun shone over the great plains of the Butter Queendom. Its warm light at this time of year would make the endless grass turn a golden-green color. This was the first sign of summer in the Queendom, which would be quickly followed by flocks of birds flying freely through the sky, along with the small little creatures that would leave their shelters and scavenge for food in the depths of golden grass.

The great plains were mainly flat, with very little elevation, but every once in a while one could find a small hill they could walk up and peer out at the immediate landscape of the land. A small boy whose hair was black was doing just that. He sat under the great shade of a great tree, standing tall and protective behind the boy, as the boy looked out into the great land. Although the land around him was all the same, golden-green grass with the occasional boulder that rose from the ground, he was still very interested in seeing what the world offered. He looked and looked again at the same spots until finally he grew tired of it and changed his view to what was in front of the great tree whose great leaves were the same color of golden-green. He looked at a small pond in front of him, its water a light-ish blue, but also clear, being able to see the bottom of it. Many rocks were surrounding the shore of the lake, having been put by other people who had passed by, believing it would bring luck to them, or just because it looked nice. The boy got up front his sitting position, changing now to a small crawl, and slowly crawled toward the pond. The closer he got, the more he could make out inside the depths of the water. At first, he saw small, round pebbles making up most of the flooring of the surface, with small splashes of green stuff on them. Then he saw small critters swimming about, probably living their best life inside the small blue world, feeding on that green stuff on the rocks. He crawled closer and closer, his face getting closer and closer to the water until-

"Mimi! I've been looking for you!"

A voice called from behind the small boy with the black hair, whose name was Mimi. The voice startled him, causing his body to jerk, which then startled the small creatures, making them swim away. Mimi looked behind him, noticing a familiar figure, the figure of a young man, who went by Jenfur, next to the tree, looking annoyed.

"What's happened?" responded Mimi, who had a feeling of what had happened.

"Have you forgotten? You were supposed to be back in the city by noon!" said the man back, "look up at the sky! The Sun's an hour past noon!"

Mimi looked up, looking past the flying birds and the fluffy clouds, and the Sun was in fact, quite a bit passed the center of the sky.

"Oh.." Mimi said shyly, "I forgot. I-I'm sorry."

"You better be! Been looking for you for a while now! Now come on!"

And so did Mimi. He stood up fully and began to slowly, almost shamefully, walk towards the man, passing the shade of the great tree and feeling the warmth from the Sun.

The two of them descended the hill, and quickly found a path that led them into the city.

The two entered the Butter City, the capital city of the Butter Queendom, and quickly made their way to the main palace, where the Queen lived. The closer Mimi and Jenfur got to the palace, however, the more Mimi's fear of persecution would grow. He would often slow down or stop as a way to not have to face the Butter Queen. When he would do this, Jenfur would tug on his arm with a "come on!" and it would get Mimi moving.

The young man and the young boy passed the various buildings of the city. The Butterian architecture consisted mainly of stone-walled buildings and golden hay, pointy, roofs. As for windows, they often were a hole in the stone with cloth curtains for privacy. More official buildings, like the palace, had glass to cover the hole.

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