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Heer looked at Ashanti's head and determined that she had suffered blunt force trauma to her head.

She noticed that Ashanti's hair looked different now than in her wallet photo and determined that she had gotten a haircut from this parlor.

She saw that the security camera from the parlor was missing. Jai, who was Ashanti's date, came into the parlor and gasped.

"Oh my God, Shanti." replied Jai, (trying to keep his composure)

"Jai, don't worry. I will figure out who did this." said Heer,

"So this parlor is a beauty parlor." replied Jai,

"Yes, Jai." said Heer,

"But Shanti didn't seem that type to change her look she always wanted to keep her looks intact, especially her hair." replied Jai,

"Oh really." said Heer,

"Yes, I honestly can't imagine she would go into a beauty parlor or barbershop or a hair salon." replied Jai,

"I see." said Heer,

"She would never cut her hair at all or do anything drastic to her hair." replied Jai,

"Maybe she was brought here on a false pretense." said Heer,

"It's possible." replied Jai,

"Excuse me, Jai, you aren't supposed to be here. This is a crime scene." said Heer,

"I'm a police officer, and if you don't mind, I would like to help you with this case." replied Jai,

"Okay." said Heer,

"Ashanti was my neighbor." replied Jai,

"I see." replied Heer,

Meanwhile, at a private hair salon.

"Oh Rani, you are going to look so fabulous." said the hairdresser,

"Really." replied Rani,

"Yes." said the hairdresser,

The hairdresser snipped Rani's hair extremely short.

"Hey, you cut my hair too short." replied Rani,

"That's the idea." said the hairdresser,

The hairdresser shaved off all of Rani's hair, which made Rani scream.

"I'm going to complain to your boss." replied Rani, (taking out her phone)

"Sweet dreams." said the hairdresser,

The hairdresser smashed the phone and knocked out Rani hard on the head. Rani tried to catch the hairdresser, but they disappeared.

Rani closed her eyes, and she passed away due to the head force trauma.

Back at the parlor at the masquerade ball

"It looks like the killer wrote something in the mirror it says I envy you, Shanti." replied Heer,

"Looks like they had a grudge." said Jai,

"I wonder what the killer felt jealous about." replied Heer,

"Probably something that Shanti had which they didn't have." said Jai,

"It could be." replied Heer,

"Or maybe the killer just wanted to make Shanti miserable." said Jai,

"That could be part of it." replied Heer,

Heer and Jai got a call from an anonymous person that there was another victim in a private hair salon.

They got to the private salon, and they were too late. The woman had been dead for a while.

"Someone wrote something in the mirror." said Jai,

"It says I envy you, Rani." replied Heer,

Heer looked at Rani and noticed her hair didn't match the photo in her wallet, then determined that Rani had gotten her head shaved before being murdered.

"The same message on the mirror is the one we saw at the beauty parlor where Shanti was murdered." said Jai,

"The murder is the exact same as Shanti's murder." replied Heer,

"According to Rani's file, she would never cut her hair so drastically, and she would trim it every now and then but never that much of a drastic change." said Jai,

"Why would Rani and Shanti both go to beauty places then get murdered in the exact same way." replied Heer,

"There are other victims who got murdered the exact same way." said Jai,

"I see." replied Heer,

"And none of the victims ever cut their hair. However, they do trim it occasionally." said Jai,

"Looks like the killer forcefully cut and removed their hair then killed them so they wouldn't complain." replied Heer,

They decided to go visit the owner of all the hair salons and beauty parlors.

"So many women were murdered." said the owner,

"Yes." replied Jai,

"Do you know any of the victims." said Heer,

"No, I don't." replied the owner,

"They all deserve it." said the hairdresser,

"Who are you." replied Heer,

"My name is Babitta. I'm a hairdresser." she replied,

"That's quite a statement you made there." said Jai,

"I'm just telling it like it is officers." replied Babitta,

"So were these victims were all clients of yours." said Heer,

"Yes, detective." replied Babitta,

"So you gave your clients headshaves." said Jai,

"Of course I love making them lose all their hair." replied Babitta,

"You should always consider what the client wants." said Heer,

"Who cares and besides women should lose their hair and have a drastic change don't you agree." replied Babitta,

"Only if they want otherwise, you shouldn't force them." said Jai,

"What's the big deal." replied Babitta,

"The big deal is they have all been murdered." said Heer,

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised those girls were always so uptight about their hair." replied Babitta,

"I see." said Jai,

"Those girls were always like, just give me a trim. That's all I have ever heard from those girls. Please, a headshave is much better than a trim." replied Babitta,

"I see." said Heer,

"So what happens to the hair from the victim's." replied Jai,

"Oh well it gets thrown out." said Babitta,

"Tell us the truth." said Heer,

"Fine it ether gets made into wigs or it gets cut up into tiny pieces then incinerated." replied Babitta,

Heer And The Mystery At The Masquerade Ball (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now