˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 15

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seungkwan, who was fiddling around with the napkin in his hand, furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at mingyu. "owe you?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.

yeah, mingyu knew his approach was bad, but he had decided to commit to the bit. he smiled awkwardly as he said, "well, you kissed my boyfriend last night."

seungkwan's face fell as he looked at mingyu. he reached out to hold mingyu's hand across the table, feeling remorse flooding his body at the memory from the night before. "hyung–" he began, halting when he saw the playful smile on mingyu's face. he scrunched up his face in annoyance as he started to defend himself. "i was drunk!" he pointed a finger at mingyu as his voice raised again, "you said it was fine!"

"well, it wasn't an invitation to kiss him again." mingyu joked, the corner of his lips twitching as he tried to hold his smile. he was trying to pass his words off as lighthearted, and anyone else (wonwoo) would have read it that way, but him and seungkwan knew better. whether it was the jealousy of seeing seungkwan kissing wonwoo or watching wonwoo about to kiss seungkwan back, he didn't want them kissing again.

seungkwan sat up in his seat, looking offended as he glared at mingyu. "i wasn't–" he shouted, his face falling as he glanced between the two of them. he huffed quietly, looking down at his lap as he mumbled, "i wasn't going to, hyung."

wonwoo glanced between the two of them, unsure of what to say and especially confused by the tension in the atmosphere. the three of them let out a collective breath of relief once the food arrived, quickly digging into their food as they avoided each others' gazes.

seungkwan couldn't stand the silence, so in between biting his food and drinking his iced americano that wonwoo ordered for him, he looked down at the table as he casually said, "we made out and i pissed him off, so he kicked me out of his place."

a small part of him felt obligated to tell wonwoo, only because it was the older boy's birthday, and he was insisting to know the details. he wouldn't tell them everything, of course, but he would tell them enough so it would hopefully satiate their curiosity.

wonwoo smiled amusedly, knowing that seungkwan would give in eventually. he didn't look up at the boy as he continued to eat. "okay, how did you piss him off?" he asked nonchalantly.

seungkwan laughed awkwardly, glancing between the two of them with a sigh. he was thankful they didn't notice his lingering stare as he said, "i'd rather not say."

"why? is it really embarrassing?"

"... yes."

"then you have to tell us."

"i'm good, actually."

mingyu sighed to himself, trying his hardest to tune them out but finding his efforts to be unsuccessful. he rolled his eyes, keeping his head down as he asked, "was it embarrassing for you or for him?"

seungkwan raised his eyebrow at mingyu. for someone who pretended to be uninterested, he just had to ask the most loaded question.

seungkwan stuck his tongue in his cheek as he said a simple, "both." and went back to his food.

there was a beat of silence. then two. before the table could settle back into a comfortable silence, wonwoo sat up in his seat as he asked, "okay, well, was he at least a good kisser?"

"not really." seungkwan said with no hesitation. the three laughed at that, finally able to settle into a comfortable silence after seungkwan's last remark.


later that day, the group decided to stay at the hotel to throw wonwoo a small party, just for the thirteen of them. if this decision was decided with seungkwan's fiasco from last night in mind, none of the young boy's friends let him know.

if only you knewTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang