II. The Cat Excuse

Start from the beginning

She waited a few minutes before looking back at the Slytherin table only to realize that Draco was gone. She scanned the room and spotted his blonde hair moving toward the doors of the Great Hall. Without thinking, she got up and followed him out the door. Everyone at her table was too distracted to notice her standing up. She saw him walking down the corridor with considerable speed and tiptoed after him. He was walking for a while and had already passed the bathroom so she knew he didn't just have to pee. She also knew he was not headed to the dungeons where the Slytherins resided because it was in the opposite direction. However, he seemed to know where he was going and she had a hard time keeping up with him while remaining quiet. He halted for a moment, walking slower than before, looking from side to side a bit before picking up his stride again. He must have heard her footsteps. He stopped completely a few seconds later and began turning around so Hermione jumped into the nearest broom closet, the door slamming behind her. Her lack of sleep had made her reckless and unguarded. She was surely caught.

She hid behind a shelf in the closet, her breathing rapid and her mind suddenly wide awake. Adrenaline surged through her veins.

"Muffliato," she whispered, waving her wand over her mouth to muffle the sounds of her breathing.

It was all futile in the end. The door to the broom closet slowly opened and closed. It was too dark to see who had entered but she knew.

"Lumos," a voice sounded in the darkness.

A light came from Malfoy's wand and revealed Hermione immediately.

"Oh–" he said, taken aback, "It's you."

She looked at him with uncertainty. He didn't know she was following him, she could use that.

"I thought you were a prefect," she breathed. It seemed to convince him.

His eyes narrowed. "What are you doing out of the Great Hall?" His eyes became cold like the fact that he was talking to her disgusted him somehow.

She drew in a long breath, trying to slow down her heart rate so her voice wouldn't falter. "I was going to the astronomy tower." It wasn't a lie.

His expression changed so he looked annoyed.

"What are you doing out of bed?" she asked after he didn't fill the silence.

"If you must know, I was going to the same place. Only now, I might as well head back to the dungeons where I have better company than a mudblood."

She stood up, seething and now face to face with him. "That's fine by me. I didn't particularly want company--not from a foul, arrogant–revolting–wizard such as yourself." she chastised, making to move past him, close to tears from her outburst. But before she could, he moved into her way, forcing her to stop.

He took a small step back, seeming to notice how close in proximity they were. She became aware of his height. He had grown a few inches taller than her since last year, so much so that she had to tilt her head up slightly to meet his menacing gaze. He looked like he might gouge her eyes out one moment and then his expression became amused.

"I'm starting to think you were put in the wrong house, Granger." He chuckled but her face stayed solid. "You know it's okay to laugh, right?"

Her eyes met his and she tried to look as cold as he usually did. "Why do you call me that?"

He mirrored her expression and he looked away as if in thought. "Why wouldn't I? It's what you are."

She shook her head and grinned, as if what he said was so absurd, it was funny. "It's what I am," she repeated as if pondering it. Her expression became irritated. "Do you know how idiotic you sound? You only call me that word because your father told you to. I'll bet he's controlled every thought you've ever had, hasn't he?" He scowled, willing her to go further. "But he's just a little servant, isn't he? He preys on twelve year old girls because his 'lord' told him to. He walks around like he's important, but really, he's the biggest puppet there is. And that's where you're headed too. Someday you'll be just as big of a joke as your father is."

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