T W E N T Y - T W O

Start from the beginning

Ashlyn stumbled back, almost stumbled off the roof if not for catching her footing as her hands clasped over her ears as the loud, pained screams of the phantom echoed in her ear, along side that of another phantom which she could not see, but could only hear as her eyes were squinted shut in pain.

Kaia let out another yell as she slammed her bat again onto the phantom, she didn't know if it was dead or not, she's hit it more times than she can remember, but she didn't care. She was going to hurt this wrenched thing for ever laying it's hand on her friend, on Ashlyn.

Ashlyn gritted her teeth as her ears were still screaming at her from all the noise and her eyes widen in horror as she sees the phantom approaching Kaia from behind. "Kai!"

Kaia could no longer hear her, only hearing the blood rushing to her head as she slammed her bat down onto the phantom once again, it's cold, black blood splattering against her cheeks, coating it a darker shade. She's never felt like this before, Kaia was usually a pretty calm girl, the only times she's ever really lost her temper were on Tyler and Aiden, and even that was just because of annoyance, she'd never felt anger like this, she's never craved to hear the screams of the phantom as she smashed her bat into it's deformed head. She's never been this violent.

"Kaia!" Ashlyn screamed out again in warning as she tried to push herself to her feet, but blood rushed to her head and she nearly faints as she stumbled to her hands and knees, staring in horror at the phantom that just raised it's hand to slash down upon her. "Don't touch her!"

The phantom paused behind Kaia in that moment, turning around to face her and just then, a bullet flew through the air. Piercing the phantom's head causing it to fall, though to Ashlyn's horror, it fell right on top of Kaia.

"Kai!" A familiar voice rung out that most certainly wasn't Ashlyn's, but Kaia didn't have enough time to process who it was before she felt a sudden body weight collide into her as her footing was lost, her body hitting the roof, her bat slipping from her grip. Just before she could slip off completely, as her bat had, a hand grasped her own and she was pulled up into the chest of a familiar boy. "I've got you." Aiden breathed out in complete shock as he held her close. "I've got you, you're okay..."

Kaia shook within his arms as, for the first time, she wrapped her arms back around him as she could feel his body shake in unison with her own, gripping at his shirt as she put her forehead to his chest. "Holy shit..." Kaia breathed out, her grip on the back of his shirt tightening as his one arm hung from his grip on his pickax, which was holding the both of them up and keeping them from falling.

Aiden buried his head into her shoulder, his grip tightening as he pulled her impossibly closer. "You're okay... Are you okay?"

"Define okay..." Kaia mumbled back, "cause I don't know..." She said, breathing heavily within his arms. Yet another question to add to the long list of one's that she couldn't answer from him. She didn't know if she was okay, she didn't feel okay, she felt like she wasn't herself, like she was experiencing an out of body moment.

That wasn't her just then. She knew it. She would have just beat it until it was off of Ashlyn, grabbed her and got them to safety, but no, just then, Kaia completely disregarded making sure Ashlyn was okay because in that moment, all she wanted to see was that phantom dead. Kaia was never usually that violent, sure she liked fighting to get her anger out, but she was never out right out of control and overly violent like she was then. She barely liked hitting people, threatening was fine, but actually hitting them was another story. Kaia hated things like that unless completely necessary. What she did just then, even if it was to that monster, wasn't necessary. It was long since limp, from the third time she hit it, it stopped being responsive, so why did she keep hitting it after that? Why did she beat it's face in? Why did she want to continue?

BORN TO DIE | aiden clarkWhere stories live. Discover now