✩ chapter seven ✩

Start from the beginning

Kenny went to embrace the other man, but he pushed him off, staring into the camera and looking around in character. He spoke in a dodgy American accent, looking into the lens.

"Imma do this alone." He paused, like he was finished, and then added to his 'speech'.  "Y'all."

He looked back at the group one last time, fake determination in his eyes. And everybody was on the floor, struggling to keep their laughter in. A grin flickered across Sharky's face as he walked into the room, waving goodbye through the crack in the doorframe.

The other three members of the group waited the hour for Sharky. Nobody expected him to stay awake, so naturally everyone was shocked when he walked through the door. Upon seeing Sharky, everybody let out a cheer, but the other man just ran straight to Kenny, enveloping him in a warm hug.

"Jesus Sharks, you'd swear you've been gone months or something," Niko uttered from behind them. Sharky basically jumped off of him, and Kenny looked at him weirdly for a split second, but kept a face on for the cameras.

"So how tired do you reckon you are scale of 1-10," Kenny quickly asked, going back to his spot on his mattress which had somehow ended up on the floor, again.

Sharky didn't even say anything, just held up the number ten on his fingers and leaned awkwardly back on Chunkz's old bed frame. He looked like he was about to fall asleep on the spot, and Kenny rolled his eyes at the other man. He made eye contact with him and beckoned with his head for him to come over to him.

In all honesty, Kenny didn't really know why he did shit like this to himself. He still wasn't convinced that Sharky liked him back, aside from Niko's countless yapping sessions about the reasons why he did. Sometimes he made a fair point... but no, Kenny wouldn't let himself get hopeful.

Sharky dragged himself along, wiping sleep out of his eyes as he dropped himself down next to Kenny, leaning on him subtly. Kenny slung an arm around his shoulder, it could be seen in a friendly way, so he didn't really care about how close he and Sharky were being.

One of the members of production came into set and announced to the remaining contestants that they would be taking a quick break from filming while they sorted out an issue.

The producer left, and Kenny felt Sharky's warmth leave his side. He opened his mouth to protest before watching as Sharky immediately lowered his head into Kennys lap, resting there as his eyes fluttered with tiredness.

Kenny's heart was going at a thousand miles per minute as Sharky started playing with his fingers to try and keep himself awake. Kenny never took his eyes off of him, and the man kept looking up at him with those fucking eyes.
And Kenny, oh Kenny was done for, because Sharky smiled at him so so softly.

He might as well have melted.

A helpless smile found its way into Kenny's face as Sharky spoke, his tired voice floating up to Kenny's ears.

"I'm so fucking tired Kenny." He mumbled like he had just woken up. Kenny looked down at the man, all plans of winning the video leaving his head.

"Hmm," he leaned down to whisper in Sharky's ear so the others couldn't hear. Mind you, they probably wouldn't anyway, they were sat close together on the other side of the room, speaking in a hushed tone and having what seemed to be a heated conversation.

"You wanna close our eyes at the same time, we can ditch this and get a cab home because I cant be arsed."

Sharky nodded, adorable wrapped in his big blanket, and the producer came back in to tell the boys the cameras were back on in one minute. Kenny noticed Aj walking to another corner of the room, glaring at a wall like he was angry, or embarrassed about something. He went to look at Niko but was distracted as Sharky sighed and reluctantly removed himself from Kenny's lap.

The cameras turned back on and Kenny nodded slightly at Sharky, laying on his back and feigning sleep. Sharky seemed to have gotten the hint, curling up into a sleeping position and shutting his eyes. Kenny counted 10 seconds in his head and opened his eyes to Niko screaming "VAR!!" across the room. He sighed and waited for production to tell him that he could leave.

The voice over the speaker announced that the both of them were 'asleep' for over 10 seconds. They both got their shit together and left as soon as they could, Kenny sending a quick text to Niko to see if anything bad was going on with him and Aj, things seemed weirdly tense. Niko left him on read but Kenny was too tired to register as he dragged himself into the cab he had called for him and Sharky.

They both slumped into the backseat, and Kenny once again found himself holding Sharky close. He told the driver where they were going through the privacy screen and pulled Sharky's legs over his lap to keep him upright, abandoning seatbelts.

Kenny could have sworn he saw Sharkys face go a little bit redder than usual, but it was probably just the lighting. Sharky hummed tiredly. "S' nice," he mumbled into Kennys shoulder. Kenny rubbed soothing circles into the other man's back as he clung into Kenny, struggling to stay awake.

The sound of the radio hummed low, and a song that the pair recognised began to play. Sharky grinned as he hummed along to the tune and swayed his head ever so slightly, his eyes shut.

"Well, you done, done me in you bet I felt it."

Sharky's voice could be heard singing along, barely above a whisper. Kenny smiled, it was almost sweet.

"I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get backk," Sharky looked at him, laughing at himself, and Kenny found himself shaking his head, signing the next line with him.

"Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn
To win some or learn some."

The two continued singing along quietly, smiling at eachother like idiots (they're so stupid wtaf sorry for the commentary but jesus lord up above).

The taxi arrived at Sharky's house a few minutes later, and Kenny shook him lightly to tell him they'd arrived. Sharky whined as he untangled himself from Kenny and got out of the car.

"G'night Ken," he whispered, the need for sleep evident in his voice.

"Night, love," Kenny whispered back. Sharky's eyes widened slightly as blush creeped up his neck, and he leaned over to press a light kiss to Kenny's forehead before he left to walk up to his house, waving goodbye sweetly.

Kenny stared in awe as he watched him go. Fucking charmer. He let himself smile like and idiot as the taxi drove off, and Sharky stood in the doorway, a sloppy, tired grin on his face.

Kenny leaned his head back against the leather seats, and laughed incredulously to himself, swiping a hand over his face.

"Jesus Sharks," he mumbled to himself, "good to have you back."


1921 words


how are we feeling 💓

they're so oblivious to their feelings about eachother what the fuckk 😭😭

had to mention filly because i love him so so much omg


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added that song specifically because of that one video where they all sing it idk if u lot know which one i'm on about but i love that vid so so much


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