✩ chapter nine ✩

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The day of the last to fall asleep

Niko sat in the car, twiddling his thumbs. Fucks sake Aj. Every interaction with the other man was torture. They didn't speak until the cameras were on, and the producers told them that they had to pretend like it was all okay. Was this what Sharky and Kenny felt like only a few days before?

At one point in the video, Aj even jumped up on Niko's shoulders. Niko was secretly a little bit glad, just to hold him, to have him right there. Aj, his Aje, the one he loved. And he was so soft, and so sweet, and fuck Niko missed him so much.

And it was worse, because he never missed the little looks that Aj gave him. The small glances across tense rooms. He knew that Aj had feelings for him too, and it confused him even more.

He was scared that he'd lost him. Feeling stupid, he slumped down onto a mattress in the corner. The producers voice came over the speakers, announcing a break. Niko let out a sigh of relief and got up to leave the room, feeling a pair of eyes on him as he left.

Niko scanned the house for somewhere to go, the stress of everything catching up to him. His eyes found the nearest bathroom and he slammed the door behind him, leaning back against the cool tile.

It was hard for Niko a lot of the time. He didn't really think, and after his actions he considered if he really fucked things up or if it was okay. He overthought about shit that he did often, but he never stopped himself in the moment.

People globally loved him as a person. He never understood why, but he just carried on with his antics and not caring about others opinions, most of the time anyway.

See, as much as people loved Niko, other people really despised him. He pretended to not let it get to him, the comments and the whispers and the people shouting at him in the street, but deep down he really cared.

Aj could see through it, and now that he wasn't speaking with Niko it was worse. His energy dropped when there weren't cameras on, and he stuck to himself, only speaking when spoken to. He let out a sigh, kissing his teeth as tears flooded his eyes.

Niko's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of footsteps outside. He froze, because he knew those footsteps. He knew who it was was by memory alone. All the times Aj had walked to his room, or raced towards him for a hug. It had been those footsteps. He tried to wipe his face but the door opened too quickly, and there he was.

Aj opened his mouth to speak but froze upon seeing the tears in Niko's eyes. Aj wanted nothing more then to hold him, to latch on, because he knew he had caused this, and it was killing him. So, that's what he did, because it had been too long without genuine contact and Aj felt like he was losing it.

He didn't say a word, and gently wrapped his arms around Niko's waist, laying his head on his chest. They stayed like that for a few seconds, and Aj slowly pulled away. "C'mon", he spoke softly to him, dragging him gently back into the main room.

Niko's eyes fell to Sharky and Kenny who were intertwined on the floor, staring at each other like idiots and oblivious to anything else around them. It was crazy how much the two revolved around each other. It was like they were in their own little world. It was actually really sweet.

He brought himself back to reality, letting Aj pull him over to what remained of a bed in the corner. The pair sat down, looking properly at each other for what seemed like the first time in ages.

Niko cleared his throat. "So, um," he spoke in a hushed tone, "are we gonna talk about it?" Aj's face fell, and Niko felt horrible, but he wasn't gonna give up.

"Please don't do this Nik."

"I'm not doing anything. Now, are we gonna talk about it?"

Aj looked down, fiddling with his hands in his lap.

"Don't really wanna" he mumbled.

"Aj-" Niko started, pleading with him.

"Wait, the fuck do you mean 'are we gonna talk about it,' you're the one who initiated it!" Aj angrily whispered, seemingly upset. Niko was confused, wasn't Aj the one who kissed him? Why was he so defensive all of a sudden?

"Um, no, you kissed me idiot!"

"Hardly counts, that was literally a peck. You're the one who decided to fucking pick me up."

"Yeah well it wasnt exactly hard, plus that definitely counts."

"Does not."


"Nuh uh."

"Uh huh."

Aj rolled his eyes and stood up from the bed, anger prominent in his face. It was kind of cute, because he was so fucking small, but Niko wasn't exactly happy with him in that moment.

"Allah you're pissing me off, when will you just admit you're wrong!" Aj huffed out, frustrated.

"Hmm, I don't know, maybe when I'm actually wrong, which I'm not!?"

"Piss off then." Aj spat.



Aj stalked off to the other end of the room, staring daggers at a random wall. Niko crossed his arms, letting out a quiet laugh in frustration. Aj was the one who had been flirting with him that whole day. And he was the one who initiated the kiss! The two sat on opposite ends of the room until the break was up, tensions high.

Sharky and Kenny quickly 'fell asleep' at the same time, obviously coordinating when to sleep so they could go together, dickheads.

The producers obviously sensed a shift in the room, so they split the two up into different rooms until the end of the video. Eventually, Niko pretended to fall asleep, sick of filming and wanting to go home. And that's what he did.

As soon as he got in he ran straight upstairs and paced around his room. He didn't know what he was supposed to do. He was angry at Aj, but the sadness overpowered it. Niko's whole body was shaking, racked with sobs and panicked gasps for air. So he went with his gut, pressing the call button with shaky hands and ringing Kenny.


1076 words

guess who's back 🤪😘

sorry i havent posted in timee but hopefully i'll be more regular now sorry u lot

my boys r fighting ☹️

this is pure shit cause i'm actually horrible at writing conflict or like any arguments

if any of yous are confused about the timeline then this is the same break when sharky was laying on kenny in chapter 7 but timeline will go back to normal next chap cause i'm confusing myself too. also i made up the whole events of that video and just added in the fact that niko left the room but um pls allow me thank u 😇

pls i'm actually giggling at them like they're so petty but then they deep it sm afterward tf is wrong w them (i literally wrote the arguement 😜😝)

i promise more sharks and kenny next chapter


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