Story 1: The Murderous Family + [INFO]

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just know that Story 2 is the prequel to Story 1. It's reccomended that you read Story 2 after reading what there is of Story 1 at the moment. :3



PART 1 - R

Copper-9, N & V's shelter.

R wakes up. He doesnt see V beside him, same for N. He starts to emit alot of baby noises. R is a baby dissasembly drone. Just a few months old.

R's circuits buzz as his systems go online. His oval body unable to move, R plays a prerecorded cry. Trying to get any kind of attention.

He sees a shadow looming over him. Its N! R starts to giggle in anticipiation, knowing how playful his dad is!

"Good morning champ! Did you sleep weeeell?" Grinning

N excitedly asks R. R responds with a series of sweet cheeps and chirps. His eyes turn happy, he waits for N to cradle him in his arms in anticipiation. N gently wraps his arms around R.

R sees the ceiling and his dad. As he rests in his arms. N carries him somewhere. He puts him down on a bed in a different room. All he sees is still just the metal ceiling and the industrial lights.

"Gotta grab some oil! Wait a second!" Dashes away

N says. R keeps listening. He cannot move or talk. So all R can do is wait for his daddy to come back. He exhales and starts to stare at the ceiling.

R feels a warm presence nearby. He gets excited again, understanding who that is.

"Good morning, kiddo. Its time to eat."

V sternly tells R. R doesn't see her. He grunts and makes lots of squealing noises. V finally grabs him and lets R see her. He squeals in delight. V hugs R, anf gives him a bottle with some petrol. They, dissasembly drones, must drink oil, fuel to not overheat and die. R is a baby. He cant drink heavy fuels yet! But he sure can drink some petrol! R suckles on the bottle. And coos in delight. He sniffs V's chest.

"R, mommy won't give you chest petrol, 'kay?"

V hugs R tighter

"You're mommy's little adventurer, arent you? You want to see what i've got there beneath my jacket? Jokes on you! Take that!"

She starts tickling R, causing him to laugh and giggle. He stops trying to sniff her chest for some sweet warm petrol.

"Mommy ain't letting you suckle there. You have your bottle!"

R laughs and coos up to V again. All he is thinking about is basking with her. R yawns and groans. He wants to play, once again! R is bored. He's fighting the urge to take a nap. His newborn body is just... so limited. V lulls and keeps R close, watching him try to resist sleep. He almost falls asleep, but N comes in the room! R is about to have his playtime! N lifts R in his arms. And rubs his non-existent nose against his.

"Lets give mommy a rest, lil buddy! So..."
N gives R a smug look.
"What you say, wanna play with daddy?"

R giggles. N is gonna be throwing him around the snowy streets of Copper-9 like a ball, and catch him mid air!
N does that when V rests or sleeps. He knows he will get a death sentence from her if she ever gets to know!

N heads off with R cradles in his arms. R babbles while V remains in bed, and tells N to be careful with R!

"V, careful is my middle name! Dont worry about it!" He chuckles. And heads off to the winter landscape of Copper-9.

Author's Note:
What did i even write just now?

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