Day 6: Clothes

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English is not my native language!

Ship: Mumbo x Grian x Scar

Hermitcraft Season 10

Remember; this is how I view the characters, this is my way of portraying them. If at any point you discover you don't like the story or the way it's written or disagree with how I portraited the characters, you can leave.

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Mumscarian week, day 6: "Clothes."

Mubo's suits have all gone missing! All he is left with are his khaki shorts and Hawaiian shirt. Forced to wear his season 8 starter set, he has to meet up with several Hermits. Will he survive those meetings and make it till the end of the day? Will he ever find out who stole his clothes? Read to find out...

Aka, Mumbo knows exactly who's stolen his suits as a prank, but has to go through several meet-ups before he gets a chance at revenge.


Mumbo blinked.

And blinked again.

But the khaki shorts and Hawaiian shirt were still there. And all his suits were still gone. "Oh for the love of-." He groaned loudly. For some weird reason, someone had gotten rid of all of his clothes and left him only his season 8 starter set to wear. And since he had nothing else to wear, except his suit from yesterday that was full of redstone stains, he had no choice but wear thee shorts and shirt.

What made it even worse, was the fact that he had several meet-ups planned with other Hermits for the day. He needed to speak to Impulse, Xisuma had asked for his help and maybe mess with Iskall some more. With some more angry huffs, he put on the clothes and went on his way.

First up was Impulse, who only raised one eyebrow in question when he saw him. "Hey Mumbo," he greeted with a chuckle," How's it going?" Mumbo nodded his greeting. "I wanted to ask you about the xp-grinders you mentioned setting up," he said, trying not to fidget under the other's gaze," How are things getting along?"

Impulse lead him towards the planned area, explaining it's inner workings. "Skizz and I need to finalise some things, before we can open shop, but it will be good to go very soon." Mumbo nodded. "Thanks for letting me know, it sounds very interesting," he said, turning to leave the other to work on his base. "No worries," Impulse replied, calling after him," Have a good day!" Mumbo waved as he excited the walls surrounding the Cyberpunk City. He was really glad the other hadn't mentioned his unvoluntary choice of clothing for the day.

Next up was XisumaVoid.

Upon entering the base and spotting their Admin, Mumbo knew the other wasn't about to let him live his clothing down. "Hiya Mumbo! I see you're enjoying the nice weather we're having," Xisuma greeted him. The Admin may wear a helmet, but the amusement was clear as day.

"Good day to you as well," Mumbo said with a dead-panned expression. The other chuckled. "You look like you belong on Keralis' boat," he laughed," you're just missing the hat. Are you perhaps in need of a vacation?" Mumbo tried his hardest not to bash his head against the nearest wall in annoyance.

"Maybe after I found the culprits," he admitted. Xisuma raised an eyebrow. "Now I wonder who's gone and done this prank..." Their eyes met through the visor. Mumbo just knew their Admin knew exactly who had pulled off the prank and he had a very strong feeling himself.

"I have a funny feeling," Mumbo said with a huff. "Not as funny as you look right now," Xisuma blurted out. Both looked surprised at the outburst, Mumbo's eyebrows raised. Without a word, he decided to walk off, ignoring the Admin's calls.

"Wait! Come back! I still need help with the Redstone..."

For a moment, Mumbo was contemplating if he wanted to go and mess with Iskall or just go home. The decision was made rather quickly when Iskall spotted him. He burst out laughing, which got False's and Stress' attention as well. The women were much kinder, offering a questioning look and a wave or a simple shake of the head with an amused smile. Mumbo decided he did not want to deal with it and headed home. Followed by a shout from Iskall. "Peace Love and Plants, bro!" And another burst of laughter.

On his way back, he passed by Joel and Skizz, who stood facing the Pyramid. They shot him confused looks. "Don't ask." Skizz shrugged and offered him a smile. "I think you look great!" he said," Nice to see you spice things up." Mumbo cut him off from saying more, by raising a hand and storming off. Joel simply mumbled something along the lines of 'Hermits' followed by a shrug as he continued his conversation with Skizz.

As his eyes landed on a familiar figure, walking along the train tracks, Mumbo huffed angrily. A few quick steps had him closing in on an unassuming Scar. He made the other yelp in surprise as he grabbed him by the collar.

"My clothes. Now."

"I don't have them! Grian didn't trust me with them." Scar slapped his hands over his mouth as if he had accidentally spoiled a secret. Mumbo squinted at him. He knew the other told the truth, he wouldn't trust the man with the evidence either. Not letting go of his collar, he started dragging Scar along towards the fishing docks, letting the excuses and begging fall on deaf ears.

Grian was seated o n the edge of the dock, fishing rod in hand, line casted. He was unaware of the danger in the form of one MumboJumbo storming his way. The only warning he got was a panicked "Grian!" from Scar. Followed by an angry "You." from Mumbo. He too was hoisted up by the back of his sweater.

"Hello Mumbo," Grian said with a smirk. "My clothes," Mumbo responded, shaking him softly," Now." Grian tried to play it off, but wasn't very successful judging by the almost murderous look on Mumbo's face. His eyes met Scar's, who looked like a kicked puppy.

"Okay, fine," he said, pointing at a barrel nearby," they're in there." Mumbo gave him a veery sweet, almost suspicious, smile. "Thank you," he said, before proceeding to drop both men in the water. They surfaced loudly spluttering and shouting in shock as Mumbo retrieved his clothes. "You have to admit," Scar said, laughing despite being soaking wet," it was pretty funny!"

"Very." Mumbo rolled his eyes fondly, turning to leave. Grian climbed up the dock, his heavy sweater almost dragging him back in the water. "You still love us, right?" he asked with a pout, looking very much like a wet cat. Mumbo shot him a quick smile over his shoulder.

"Lord help me, I do."

Maybe Xisuma was right and he could use a vacation. Some peace, love and plants didn't sound nearly as bad. So maybe, he wouldn't put the khaki short and Hawaiian shirt away just yet. Whatever it was he was going to do, wherever it was he was going, he could only hope he'd get to spend his time in the company of his two idiots. Because that's what they were.

A bunch of idiots in love.

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