I See You

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I ask how you’re doing
You claim all is fine,
But I know that’s a lie.

You go through the motions,
Trying not to crack.
It’s ok to cry,
I’ve got your back.

I see through your mask.
I see your brokenness and hurt.
I see through the filter and forced smile.

I wish I could take the pain away.
I can’t by myself, so I pray.

I pray for your healing,
I pray for your breakthrough.
I pray that you see Him in all that you do.

You're not alone in this fight.
Look to the light.

Satan tries to trick you.
Into thinking you're worthless.
A waste of space.
A mistake.
To blind you from the truth.

Your maker says otherwise.
He says you’re worth it.
You were created for a purpose.
You were never a mistake.
He has plans for you,
Keep pushing through.

I see you.
He sees you.
He loves you.
He will help you.
You have to fight too.
If you wish to escape the gloom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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