Chapter 1-Whats hiding in the Kuiper Belt?

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It had been a couple weeks after the Moon Revolution ended, Titan had been found and everything was starting to go back to normal, at least for the planets, the moons were still trying to get used to being around their planets again, Uranus's moons were staying to forgive him after he joked about killing them a while ago, Saturn was starting to pronounce his moons names right but still messed up sometimes but his moons would remind him and he would pronounce them right the second time, Neptune's moons were very happy to be back with Neptune and Triton was getting used to the other moons and Neptune, Earth and Luna were still as happy as ever with the Earth allowing Luna to join in his, Mars', Venus', and Mercury's card games while Earth was definitely being nicer to everyone, Photos and Deimos stayed closer to Mars so that they could protect him after Ganymede and Europa attacked Mars and Venus. The rest of Jupiter's moons were getting used to Jupiter agaun along with Io and Callisto. Ganymede and Europa, on the other hand, were still mad at the other planets, especially the Earth, because of how they treated the moons. "Ugh, how are the others just going to forget about how the planets treated us?!" Exclaimed Europa as Gabymede sighed, "Europa, it's not that serious, alright?" Europa glared at him as she said, "What do you mean 'not that serious'!?" Ganymede sighed as Europa kept yelling. Ganymede and Europa were now arguing as Ganymede grabbed an asteroid and threw it at her, causing her to bleed, Wuropa was stunned and speechless as Ganymede kept yelling at her as he started beating he rwirh an asteroid. Her screams and pleads filled the entire Solar System as the planets and other moons watched the scene unfold, as Europa started to fall unconscious, she saw a planet watching her from the Kuiper Belt, smiling as it said, "Selfish moons deserve to die...". Europa jolted awake with a scream. "Europa!?" Exclaimed Ganymede as he went to check on her. As Europa shook, Ganymede noticed a planet watching them from the Kuiper Belt. After Europa calmed down and Ganymede explained what he saw from the Kuiper Belt, Jupiter went to go look around the Kuiper Belt but found nothing, Jupiter told the other planets and the Sun to keep an eye out, especially if the planet was who Jupiter and Saturn suspected. Europa and Ganymede were cuddling as the rest of Jupiter's moons talked about the recent events that occurred, especially what happened to Europa. Io and Callisto were talking when they saw a planet watching them from the Kuiper Belt. The planet continued watching until Europa woke up with a gasp staring at the planet as it left. Io and Callisto told Jupiter about what they saw and Jupiter called all of his moons together, so did the other planets that had moons, "My moons, I hope everyone is here because this is very important." As Jupiter said this, Ganymede and Europa finally made it to the meeting, Europa was still shaking form her nightmare that she had, "Now that everyone is here, I would like to inform everyone here that NO ONE is allowed to go near or into the Kuiper Belt without a planet or a bigger moon with you, I would advise that NO ONE go into the Kuiper Belt but, if yoy need to go, DO NOT go alone." After the meeting, the moons and the planets went back to their normal business, and none of the moons went near the Kuiper Belt, Jupiter had made sure that Uranus and Neptune made it back to their orbits safely.

Hello. The other stories I am working on will have their next chapters posted later in the day. Don't worry, have a wonderful day/night!

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