The General: 5

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Brock Cortes POV:

After ensuring Galla's comfort for the night, I set sail home to my kingdom of Hirenth. My thoughts are exploited by the images of her, my nose intoxicated by her scent, my fingers aching and itchy for her cold and plush skin.

The salty sea air fills my lungs, but somehow the memory of her skin sets me on fire again.

When I dock on shore, I tie the boat up and head straight to my living quarters the king has granted me with. I lift bags filled with sand, do pushups on the frigid granite ground, take a cold shower to try and snap myself out of this reverie. Nothing works, nothing erases the feeling of her lips grazing my forehead. It is manipulative, it is dominant, and it is everything I have tried to stay away from if I want to keep my soldiers in line much less myself.

It was a restless night. Tossing and turning, my bed does not feel as it always had. So I waken, and decide to start my scouting early this morning.

I make a trip to the medicine cabinet, taking some itch relieving solution with me as I pack my bags. Galla will not be able to cook for herself today, so I decide to wash some fruits and make some light sandwiches. My rucksack is heavy over my shoulder, but I decided I should need a tent if I wanted to figure out if the shore was a good place for our army to set up camp during the war. After packing my bow and arrow, knives, and any other necessities, I get dressed and head out. I exit the chambers, and step into the cold morning air. 

How does Galla sleep in the cold every night? It is impossible to imagine, yet she lives the reality.

As I am to mount my horse to get to the dock, a voice stops me.

"General Cortes."

I turn to find the princess of Hirenth dismounting her horse. Her jet black hair flies over her shoulder in the braid it is twined into.

"Your highness." I bow, even though we are far past formalities. 

Princess Kacieanne and I grew up knowing of each other; obviously her as the princess, and my father was the last general, which meant I spent a great deal of time around the palace.

"Where are you going, Cortes?" She raises a brow.

"Er- I am going to scout the shores of the North Kingdom on Novruin." I stutter, which makes me uneasy because I am always so firm with my words. "And you, Kacieanne? Why are you awake at the ungodly hour of... four o'clock?"

"You are taking me with you." She links her arm into mine, and I blink at her. 

"Why?" I cock my head.

"I am meeting a... business partner. She has agreed to meet in Novruin." She shrugs, looking away as her cheeks tint.

Oh. That makes sense.

"Alright then. Mount your horse."


When the boat docks the shore, it is already five o'clock and Kacieanne has fallen asleep. My arms are tired from pumping the ores back and forth, but I carry her out of the boat never the less. I keep my promises, so before anything, I think to corroborate Galla's condition and safety.

When I approach the clearing with a slumbered Kacieanne in my arms and rucksack slung over my shoulder, I watch the warm lights twinkle from Galla's window. Her silhouette dances through the light, and a smile crosses my face seeing her up so early. I was worried I would wake her, but it appears as though she has already waken.

"General Cortes smiling?" Kacieanne's voice croaks from in my arms as she stirs. "Am I in some sort of fever dream? Another dimension, perhaps?"

I roll my eyes as I put her down, and the cabin door creaks open.

"Galla." I nod gruffly, not sure how this exchange should work.

Apparently she does, because she beams like a radiant star in the sky.

"You came back." She shyly looks away, making my heart drop into my stomach and then bounce up into my throat.

"I am a man of my word." I nod, taking her wrists to inspect the welts. "How are your palms?"

"Agonizing." Galla sighs. "Do not touch them; it will not end well for either of us."

"Am I missing something here?" Kacieanne gets in, and I flinch, forgetting she was there.

It should not annoy me, but it does. Kacieanne has done nothing, and it is clear she is here to see a lover of her own, but her intrusion on Galla and my little world irritates me in a wrong way.

"I am Gallaleigha." Galla nods at Kacieanne with a small smile, but it is not entirely real.

"Princess Kacieanne of Hirenth." Kacieanne grins back. "I will be on my way now; I have a friend I must meet. I shall find my own way home, general."

Kacieanne smiles at me one last time before departing, and I glance back at Galla when she is gone.

"Are you alright?" I tilt my head.

"Fine." Galla smiles through a clenched jaw, and I lead her into the cabin, concerned.

"Alright..." I say awkwardly, taking a seat on the wooden floors.

"So, a princess? You work for her?" She taps her foot on the ground as she sits on the edge of her quaint bed.

"Her father." I nod.

"Must be well." She turns away.

"Is something the matter?" I move closer to her, noting the stiffening of her shoulder.

"No." She shakes her head. "So how long have you known her for?"

"Kacieanne? Probably most of my life. Not friends, I suppose, but acquaintances." I nod.

"And... you were carrying her here." She says it with a twinge in her voice.

"Galla." I smirk, recognizing the emotion. "Are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" Her head snaps up, scoffing. "N-no. Just... passing time."

"If you wanted to pass time, there really are better ways." I chuckle. "And you are fibbing."

"Am not!" She stamps her foot on the ground a little, an angry little habit I have noticed of hers.

"Yes, you are." I smirk a little more, leaning closer to her reddening face.

"Fine, maybe to some degree." Galla blushes looking away, irritated. "It is not my fault she is a gorgeous princess who has known you her whole life."

"I did not notice she was gorgeous, first off." My lips mold back into their thin line. "And we have never really conversed much. She fell asleep in the boat and I carried her off."

"Oh." Galla murmurs. "So you came to see me?"

Her hopeful eyes are so adorable it hurts.

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