MATCH 1, DUEL 1: Do you see the radiant light?

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Quick as she could, fast, bare taps against dirt, though that seemed to shift the more she ran, now being stone and light brown in colour, with grass peeking through any cracks, though she kept her head forward as she halted, slipping back slightly due to being barefoot, but caught herself with the step back of her foot. The terrain was rough on her feet. She hated it.


She heard a voice shout, and quickly whipped around, the hospital-like dress she was wearing whipping around to and blowing in the cold nightly wind. As she turned to face the noise, someone was moving towards her, a man. He was slim, had messy grey-ish blue hair, covered in white hand attachments that even covered his face, yet peeking in between his fingers were a pair of piercing red eyes that continue to stare at her as the man approaches.

"What, thought I was your brother? For someone with such high intelligence, you should be able to distinguish voices."

"Delilah, run!"

A second voice called out to her, and she turned around once more, being faced with a cliffside. She had no space to run- and it was a long drop- nothing to save her either- no water. She was quickly distracted by her thoughts as she was grabbed around the neck and lifted upwards, but the middle finger pointing outwards, so it wasn't a full grip. She was then pointed back towards the forest.

"Ah-ah, Bedman. This wasn't the agreement. Trying to abandon us after doing what you asked of us?"

"I- Damn it... you're just going to use her for the energy her Quirk radiates. That was never part of the agreement! I only asked you to have her wake up- not use her! That wasn't the agreement, Shigaraki."

"Well... let's just say there's been a change in plans. Now if you're not going to listen, I might as well put us both in the gutter by killing her."

"Shigaraki... you- so I was just a pawn to All For One!?"

"Clearly. Nothing more than a pawn. So I must ask that you complete your task flawlessly. Isn't that, after all, the entire point of a pawn? To be used by a greater power? Remember, sacrifice and contribution are different things."

"Don't you parrot my words back to me! Put my sister down!!"

Before the second voice could even move between the trees and show himself, the girl was immediately ripped from her dream- or well nightmare as she sat up in bed- almost instantly. Sweat covered her face and clumped her green hair together in sweaty bunches. She placed a sweaty palm to her face as she groaned slightly.

Before she could realise it though, a robotic hand- or well spiked wheel magenta in colour had made it's way from under the bed and over towards her, holding a wet flannel between three thick, robotic black fingers. She went to go for it, but the hand just dabbed at her face instead, ridding it of any sweat on her face.

"Thank you Bedman."

She'd then say while getting out of bed before having a quick shower, getting changed and drying the sweat out of hair, along with brushing it. She had pale skin, her hair was dark green and done into a bob haircut, with the bangs positioned to her left thanks to a small yellow arrow hairclip that pointed upwards. She was dressed in a single-breasted, long-sleeved black thigh-length dress with a line of silver buttons, with a darker shade of yellow on the inside. Folded over the dress' neckline was a collar in the same colour as the yellow inside of the dress. Drilled into the outfit were a pair of screws that sit just below her armpits, the words "DEJA VU" wrote onto them. Just slightly above her waist was a small red line of string tied into a ribbon. Along with it, she wore black pantyhose to cover her legs. Small ribbons were attached around them, her red socks and ankles to keep them in place. Finally, just barely visible on anywhere else but her neck and ankles were thick, black thorn-like tattoos, that sprout up from her ankles onto her calves and from her chest to her neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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