Chapter Two

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       "Here you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the bean bag" I mentioned to him while trying to make the bed

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"Here you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the bean bag" I mentioned to him while trying to make the bed. The movers had built my bed but I hadn't made it here to put the sheets on.
"Ok.." he said, laying down in my bed and throwing the covers over his head after I made the bed. I left the room to go to my bathroom. I changed into more comfortable clothes than the ones I had on.
Once I made it back into the room Lando was snoring lightly with the blankets curled all around him like it was a cocoon. I smiled as I watched his face finally turn into peacefulness
The next morning I woke up with my bed made and $500 in cash thrown on my bed.
I sigh lightly as I head toward my closet throwing on shorts and a Chelsea T-shirt since its one of the only shirts I had brought with me in my suitcase. My older sister is bringing down the rest of my clothes and my dogs with her tonight.
Today I had to go early to my soccer practice with my new team AS Monaco. The trainer wanted me to go and do a check-up with him to make sure I wasn't injured or anything.

The Mediterranean sun cast a warm glow over the stadium as I stepped onto the lush green pitch. Excitement and nerves tangled within me as I prepared to meet my new soccer team management. Leaving Chelsea, one of the top women's teams in the world, for AS Monaco, a team struggling to make its mark in the rankings, felt like a leap into the unknown.
Straightening my shoulders, I walked towards the management team gathered at the center of the field. They stood in a semi-circle, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation.
"Blue, welcome to AS Monaco," greeted Mr. Dupont, the team manager, with a warm smile. "We're thrilled to have you on board."
"Thank you," I replied, returning the smile as I took a seat opposite the management team.
The conversation flowed smoothly as we discussed logistics, training schedules, and expectations for the upcoming season. I felt a sense of camaraderie building with my new teammates as we shared stories and laughs.
As the meeting drew to a close, Mr. Dupont slid a contract across the table towards me. I picked up the document, my fingers tracing over the bold letters of my name.
"Before you sign, Blue, I have to ask," Mr. Dupont began, his tone gentle yet probing. "Why the move from Chelsea to Monaco?"

My gaze drifted momentarily before meeting Mr. Dupont's eyes. Memories flooded my mind - the pressure, the expectations, the sympathy, the relentless spotlight that came with being part of a top-tier team like Chelsea. I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before responding.
"I just couldn't stay at Chelsea anymore, not after everything that happened," I admitted, my voice tinged with emotion. "I needed a fresh start, a new environment where I could rediscover my love for the game."
The management team nodded understandingly, their expressions sympathetic yet supportive. They had heard rumors about my departure from Chelsea, but they didn't press for details. Instead, they focused on the future and the potential I brought to their team.
With a sense of relief washing over me, I reached for the pen and signed my name on the dotted line of the contract. It was official - I was now a member of AS Monaco.
After the paperwork was finalized, I was whisked away to film a video for the media about the making of my new jersey. Slipping into the sleek red and white uniform, my fingers traced over the fabric as I adjusted the fit.
As the cameras rolled, I explained my decision to change my jersey number from 34, my number at Chelsea, to 11.
"Number 34 holds a lot of memories for me, both good and bad," I began, my voice steady yet reflective. "But I wanted a fresh start here at Monaco, a new number to symbolize this new chapter in my career. Number 11 represents love, strength, and a sense of freedom that we always wanted."
The media crew nodded in understanding, capturing every word and gesture as I spoke. They could sense my voice's sincerity and determination shining in my eyes as I looked towards the future.
With the video finally filmed i stepped off of the pitch and into the Trainers room where i had to do a series of tests. Once I was cleared I got ready for practice being ignored by every player in the locker room.
As I stepped onto the practice field, the warm breeze did little to ease the tension that hung thick in the air. My new teammates eyed me with suspicion, their gazes filled with a mixture of envy and resentment. I knew joining AS Monaco would be a challenge, but I hadn't expected such blatant hostility from the very people I was supposed to call my teammates.
Throughout the practice session, the atmosphere grew increasingly hostile. Passes were deliberately missed, tackles were rougher than necessary, and insults were thrown my way at every opportunity. It was as if they were determined to make me regret my decision to join their team.
I tried to maintain my composure, focusing on my performance and ignoring the taunts and jeers. But as the minutes ticked by, it became harder and harder to shrug off their hostility.
Then, during a particularly aggressive drill, one of the players took it too far. As I attempted to make a play, a player lunged at me, her cleat connecting with my leg in a vicious blow. Pain shot through me as I stumbled and fell to the ground, clutching my injured leg.
"Get up, White! Stop whining!" barked the coach, his voice filled with irritation. "If you came from the big leagues, you should be able to take a few shoves."
I struggled to my feet, disbelief and anger coursing through me. How could he dismiss such a blatant foul as a "shove"? I limped towards the coach, my voice trembling with indignation.

"How was that not a dirty move?" I demanded my words echoing across the field.
The coach's expression hardened as he met my gaze, his eyes cold and unyielding. "In this team, we play hard. If you can't handle it, maybe you don't belong here."
I stood there, stunned into silence as the coach addressed the team, calling an end to the practice session. As my teammates dispersed, I was left alone on the field, nursing my aching body.
It was clear that my arrival had upset the delicate balance of their team dynamics. They saw me as a threat, a reminder of their shortcomings. But I refused to let their bitterness and insecurity dictate my fate.

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