Not you.

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I'm gonna wing it. This is gonna be fun.


Y/n's pov.

Why is it always me who gets blamed for stuff. I don't even know exactly what I've done this time, and I'm still being chased around the house by Leah.

'If you don't stop running, I will call Lucy.' She shouts after me.

I stop. Of course, I stop. I'm not about to be murdered in my sleep.

You see, Lucy, she's kind of like my mum in a way. She likes bossing me around, but without her, I'd probably be dead or in prison, so I can't really complain.

'Please don't call Lucy.' I plead with her. 'I don't even know what I've done.'

'Fine, I won't call her. Do you seriously not know what you've done?' She asks.

'No, I do not know what I've done. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to watch Pulp fiction.' I tell her, walking off to my room.

'Oi, come back here now.' I sigh and turn back around, walking back to her.

'What?' I sigh.

'I expect you to say sorry tomorrow, we have team bonding here, and I want you to make Alessia feel welcome.' Ooh, that's why she was mad at me.

Yeah, we have a new signing, Alessia Russo. I don't trust her. Not one bit. Never have, never will do.

'No can do Le, I'm sorry but I ain't talking to the bitch.' I tell her, attempting to walk off.

She grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me back, talk about child abuse.

'Look, I know you have a hard time trusting people, but I know Alessia, and she is the most trustable person I've met.' She tells me.

'Still not talking to her, it's not like you've ever bothered before when I don't speak to her at England camps, so why now?' I ask.

'Because now we play with her for both club and country, we are going to be seeing a lot more of her, and you need to learn to trust her.' She tells me.

'You do realise it takes years for me to trust someone, I can't just do that overnight.' I reply, getting more annoyed as I go on.

'You've known her for years y/n.' She says.

I sigh and sit on the sofa. Truth is, i don't know why I don't like Alessia. I get on with just about everyone in the squad by now but I get this feeling when I'm around her and I don't know how to explain it but it scares me, it's scares me a lot.

'Stop pushing it, Leah. I'm not talking to her, so just leave it.' Finally fed up of the situation, I quickly make my exit to my room.

I'm guessing leah gave up trying because about an hour later, I hear her come up the stairs and go straight into her room.

I think sometimes she forgets how my brain works. I get that she only wants to help me, but she sometimes isn't the best at it. I don't think anyone fully understands me, I don't even fully understand me, so I can't blame them. It's just that sometimes I wish I had a person who knows exactly how I'm feeling even before I do. It would be nice I suppose.

I sit on my beanbag for a while, watching movies and start to feel my eyelids become heavy. Now, any normal person would take this as a sign to go to sleep. I take this as I sign to grab a 50p energy to wake myself up.

Sleep for me feels like a chore, I hate it. There are so many more things you could be doing instead of sleeping. No one knows this about me, not even Lucy. If she found out I'd be six feet under in about a second.

Trust Me - Alessia Russo.Where stories live. Discover now