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I wake up with a yawn, leaves crinkling below me. Walking into the main area of the cave, I nod to Mitch and Ty, then grab a piece of fish. I sit next to Ty on the couch and listen to whatever Mitch put into the jukebox.

"How didya sleep?" Mitch asks, sipping his coffee.

"Fine." I say, trying to wiggle the sleep out of my eyes. Sky walks in as Ty is responding.

"Uh, f-fine." Sky gives him a look.

"Yea right. Spill." Sky is really good at reading people, and even I could tell something was wrong.

"Just, weird dreams." Sky hakes his head.

"Me too." He says, and rubs his wrist. Ty's eyes widen.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yea, just a thing." Ty stands up.

"Show me." Sky gives him a look.

"What's up with the wrist fetish?" Mitch mutters and I laugh a little. Ty is still looking at Sky, who reluctantly lifts his sleeve. Ty visibly relaxes, but then Sky jumps on him.

"Ok. What was that? Come on Tu, what's wrong?" Ty looks around at us.

"Look." He lifts his left arm up an displays it to all of us, and I bite my lip.
His wrist is red, inflamed, and there's a burn mark by his thumb in the shape of an x.

"What in the Nether?" Sky swears and Mitch stands, me following. Ty looks down and rubs it, wincing.

"Last night, I dreamt, well, it might not have been a dream but, I dreamt voices and a bright white light and a burning sensation and when I woke up this was branded on my arm." I keep my eyes on his wrist as I listen. Sky walks away and comes back with a bandage, and wraps it up.

"Don't want it getting infected." Ty nods and sighs, looking down at his wrist.

"I know that sign..." Mitch mutters, and I shrug.

"Where is it from?" He shakes his head.

"I don't know it's just familiar in some way..." He trails off, lost in thought. I turn, seemingly to get some fish, but instead I push some fur away from my own wrist and look at the strangely same brand mark on my own wrist.

"Jerome?" I hear Sky call and I grab a fish, stuffing it in my mouth.

"Yefsh?" I say, turning. Mitch laughs and the other two crack a smile.

"Let's go. I want to find some more coffee beans." I nod and swallow the fish whole.

"LET US GO!!!!" I shriek, running out into the sun and the others following.

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