Chapter 9: One More Night

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This chapter contains mature themes and profanity that may not be suitable for a very young audience.


"One more night. One more night," Danilo kept telling himself as he returned to Miguel's apartment. One more night, and he'd be free. He'd have the gold and Dulnuan.

He knocked on Miguel's door at five in the morning and took a quick nap before getting ready for work. His friend was disappointed to have no food left in his apartment, but other than that, he asked nothing about Danilo's fridge note about going back home. He even ordered food on a delivery app so they could have some breakfast.

"This is adding up to what you already owe me," Miguel set two boxed meals on the dining table.

"Thanks. I'll pay you back." Danilo gratefully accepted it, knowing he finally found a way to get the money for his loans. As he ate his meal and drank his coffee, a smile rested on his face.

"You seem happy. Anything you want to share?" Miguel asked as he sipped his coffee.

Danilo swallowed a spoonful of rice. What was he supposed to say to his friend? That he was about to get rich? "Do you think I have a chance?"


He shrugged. "A chance to change my life."

"Are you finally going to quit smoking?" Miguel asked.

Smoking and drinking might be two things he could never give up. "That's not what I'm talking about. I meant about my current situation."

"What about your current situation?"

"I just--" He waved his spoon around in the air. "I want to get out of this shit. I don't want to live with my family anymore. I hate being scolded by my ma like I'm a fucking five-year-old. And I want out of my stupid job."

"That's a lot to wish for," Miguel noted. "So, what's the plan?"

Danilo stared at his friend. It had been a while since he looked at him this way. He noted the few wrinkles on the sides of Miguel's eyes that hadn't been there before. He observed Miguel's crooked nose, which he got from a street fight when they were teenagers. "I'll figure something out. I already have a plan."

"Oh, yeah? And what plan is that?" Miguel's tone sounded mocking as if he didn't believe it.

"Just wait." Danilo scooped some of his food. "You'll see."

Miguel chuckled. "Okay. If you say so." Then he paused with a thoughtful look. "Just don't do anything stupid."

Danilo laughed but said nothing as he continued to eat his food. Helping Dulnuan be free from her prison was not stupid. He only needed to get her out, and then they'd find the gold, and he'd be rich!

One more night, and he'd be rich.

After breakfast, Danilo and Miguel left the apartment and parted ways.

Danilo headed straight to Burnham Park because he was going to resign. Why would he still need work when he was about to become rich? "One more night," he told himself.

When he arrived at the boat stall in the park, his boss was catering to a group of customers. Danilo had forgotten it was Saturday. Tourists came in volume, and the city's attractions, like the lake, became busy.

"Danilo," his boss called. "I'm so glad you're here. Are you feeling better now? We have a lot of customers to entertain."

"I'm feeling great," Danilo answered. "But I have to tell you something."

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