alone - 3racha

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Jisung is a secret little and is left alone in the house and he thought he wouldn't have to hide..


"Hannie! We're going now!" Chan yelled up to the only boy left in the house, Jisung came running to give his boyfriend a hug goodbye.

Jisung wrapped his arms around Chan, "you sure you don't wanna come to the beach with us love?" Chan asked double checking his boyfriend was okay as he loves the beach.

Jisung nodded his head, "yeah I'll go next time I just need some time for myself today" Jisung let go of Chan and smiled to reassure the older.

Chan reluctantly left the younger knowing he sometimes needs his space from the rest as they live, work, eat and basically breathe together.

Once Jisung waved goodbye to his boyfriends and members he rushed to close the door and run to his room, today was is first chance in 7 weeks 5 days and 3 hours for him to be Little, he's been counting up the seconds since he last got interrupted when trying to be Little.

He's worried about his members reactions as he would have to explain everything to them and also about how different he would be with them in little space, he would also have to live with them feeling like he couldn't do anything by himself.

He shook his thoughts away as fast as he could before he grabbed his pacifier and Teddy bear that he's had since he was a baby and let himself slip into a smaller headspace, he knew it was dangerous to leave his room as they could be back at any point but he wanted to watch cartoons and they had only just left so... he surely had time to watch a little bit..

Jisung hurried downstairs and put on gravity falls, his favourite cartoon in little space. He started to watch from the beginning and without realising he fell asleep hugging his Teddy on the couch with his pacifier in.

"Hannie we're home!" Chan yelled expecting his boyfriend to be upstairs in bed. He wasn't expecting to walk into the living room and find the boy asleep with a pacifier? in his mouth.

Chan didn't think twice before taking a photo to save as he thought Jisung looked absolutely adorable.

Every other member had piled into the house and had looked into the living room to see what Chan was staring at and all of them felt cuteness take over them as they looked at the boy.

They all had heart eyes for him. Changbin decided the couch wasn't comfy enough for his baby, he picked him up and moved him to his bed along with his Teddy and tucked him in.

Once Changbin had joined the rest of the group back downstairs he saw them all furiously googling about what Jisung was doing.

All the answers led them to Little space.

Once everyone was caught up with what Little space was they couldn't stop cooing over the little.

Just as they were about to gush at how cute the boy was they heard a loud cry, Changbin immediately ran upstairs and into the littles room where the pacifier had fallen out of his mouth which had also woken the poor boy up.

"Hey hey baby, its okay" Changbin gently spoke to the boy who immediately started to calm down at the comforting words, Changbin picked up the dirty pacifier off the floor and the little reached out to grab it.

"Nuh uh baby, its dirty, I need to go wash it first" Changbin replied kind of sternly but still soft as to not upset the boy anymore.

Chan had walked in by that point and sat on the bed next to the little, "you go wash it up Bin, I'll stay with this prince"

Changbin nodded as he left to go wash the pacifier, "nu am pwincess" Jisung babbled back to the older who chuckled and patted his head, "okay okay sorry princess"

Jisung felt his heart warm, he had been so worried to tell the two about his headspace but even though they had only just learned about it, they were already doing an amazing job.

Changbin came back in with a clean pacifier, "Appa! Appa!" Jisung chanted as Changbin came back, Chan and Changbin gave eachother a quick glance which the little noticed and tears began to well in his eyes, "'M sowwy Binnie!" Jisung whined out worried about making the two uncomfortable.

Changbin sat next to the boy and patted his head, "it's okay baby, if you wanna call me appa you can" Changbin simply replied, "I was just a bit shocked baby, but I'm okay with it" he gently ruffled the littles hair as Jisung wiped away his tears while nodding his head.

The little then turned his attention to the other male in the room and pointed at him, "dada?" He asked Chan, asking if it was okay for him to call him that.

Chan smiled and nodded at the question, the little beamed at his new careatakers and immediately turned his attention back to the pacifier as he reached his hands out doing grabby hands at Changbin.

Changbin held the pacifier near Jisung lips to which he happily put it in between his lips and started sucking happily.


A few weeks later


"Appa! Dada!" Jisung cheered happily and clapped his hands when he saw Chan and Changbin walk in the door and smile at the little.

Hyunjin waved at the two before leaving them with their little, he often helped out with baby Jisung when the other two were too busy.

Chan picked up Jisung and cuddled him, Changbin kissed him on his forhead, "how was your day baby?" Changbin asked the little.

Jisung smiled "goodddd Jinnie drew wif me!" The little beamed as he spoke. Chan and Changbin smiled at the sight of the younger.

"Oh! Drew Appa and Dada picture!" The little said trying to get out of Chan's arms, Chan put the little down who ran to get the drawings, he waddled back over and handed each of the drawings to the older two.

They loved them, they later hung them up in their studio.

Jisung loved his boyfriends/caregivers more than anything in the world.

He was happy and he didn't need to hide anymore.


This one was in reference to Jisung being the maknae of 3racha!

I hope u enjoyed reading! :]

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