Channie - MinChan

45 1 6

Channie is around 3-5 in little space
Minho is his main caregiver


"Chan c'mon open up" Minho asked politely as he could while knocking on Chan's locked door.

Chan had locked himself in his studio to work and to stop his little self from coming out as there was too much work to do and he had been 'taking too many breaks'.

Minho knew he hadn't regressed for over 5 months and was particularly very stressed so he had to make him regress today as they had a break day.

"Channie if you don't open this door right now there will be consequences" Minho used his stern voice which usually does the trick for the little but was shocked to be met with "no Minho, I'm not slipping today, I need to work.. please.." the please sounding almost like begging to Minho so he decided to leave him alone for a bit.

During the 30 minutes that Minho was gone the words kept repeating in Chan's mind, 'there will be consequences' it kept repeating over and over again slowly eating up at Chan until he felt his little side almost fully taking over.

Channie hated being in trouble, he hated time outs and punishment, he was a well behaved little most of the time but sometimes he couldn't help it.

Channie unlocked the door after turning off all his music stuff, as soon as the door was unlocked his little self had already taken over.

Channie waddled out of the room towards the living room where he found everyone but Minho, that was when he felt like Minho was going to punish him for not coming out immediately.

"Hey Chan you okay?" Changbin asked the boy looking up from the floor not realising the boy was small, Channie immediately started to cry and plopped himself on the ground and tuck into a ball.

"Someone get Minho" Changbin said as he went to the side of the boy, "hey princess, can you look at me?" Changbin whispered to the younger who hesitantly looked up worried about getting in more trouble.

It was unusual for Chan to start crying randomly, even in little space he rarely cries so this was a shock for everyone.

Changbin wiped the boys tears and helped him to sit in a more comfortable position, he held onto his hands gently to make sure the boy didn't hurt himself out of sadness.

"How old are you princess?" Chan looked up at him and took back one of his hands to hold up 5 fingers before immediately putting his hand back into Changbin's, "5 wow your so big baby, can you tell Binnie whats wrong?"

Channie looked at Changbin before chewing on his lip softly.

"No chewing your lips Channie" Minho sternly said from behind Changbin, Chan looked up at the older before letting go of Changbin's hands and stopping himself from biting his lip.

Minho lifted Chan's paci to his lips which he gratefully accepted, Minho thanked Changbin for his help and Changbin left the two to it.

Minho helped the younger up and helped him to their shared room and made him sit on the bed.

Minho sat infront of Channie, "so princess why were you crying?" Chan looked up slightly scared of answering but knowing it was better to be good than keep it to yourself.

He took his paci out and messed with it in his hands while saying, "i fink dada gon pwunish Channie.." very quickly after assessing the situation Minho chuckled softly and patted Chan's head.

"Dada's not gonna punish you baby, I was just trying to make you slip and it worked! Now I have my favourite baby with me" Minho softly said to the little while poking the littles face softly every so often which made Chan burst out into giggles.

The two then spent the rest of the day cuddling, watching cartoons and drawing with the rest of the members.


Little Channie is so cute

Also I am gonna use the same pacifier for each little so the picture at the top is the littles pacifier for this story. :]

Thank you for reading!!!

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