Scorpio (m) x Taurus (m)

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sorry about it being 3 years late 

In the bustling halls of Brightwood College, where the sun streamed through stained-glass windows and laughter filled the air, two souls found themselves drawn together in an unexpected romance.

Enter Scorpio, a brooding and enigmatic figure with a penchant for solitude. His piercing gaze and mysterious demeanor often intimidated those around him, earning him a reputation as the college's resident 'bad boy'.

Opposite him stood Taurus, a warm-hearted and steadfast individual whose easygoing nature and genuine kindness endeared him to all who crossed his path. With a sunny disposition that seemed to brighten even the gloomiest of days, he was known as the college's 'ray of sunshine'.

Their first encounter took place in the college library, where Scorpio sat in a secluded corner, buried in a book, while Taurus flitted about the room, greeting fellow students with his trademark smile.

Taurus: "Hey there! Mind if I sit here?"

Scorpio, caught off guard by the interruption, grunted in response, barely sparing Taurus a glance.

Taurus: "Great, thanks! So, what are you reading?"

Scorpio: "None of your business."

Undeterred by Scorpio's brusque demeanor, Taurus continued to engage him in conversation, his sunny disposition seeming to chip away at Scorpio's walls with each passing moment.

Taurus: "You know, you don't have to be so grumpy all the time. Life's too short not to smile."

Scorpio: "Easy for you to say."

Despite Scorpio's reluctance, Taurus persisted in his efforts to befriend him, their interactions evolving from terse exchanges to meaningful conversations filled with laughter and camaraderie.

As they spent more time together, Scorpio found himself inexplicably drawn to Taurus's warmth and optimism, while Taurus admired Scorpio's strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Taurus: "You know, Scorpio, there's more to life than just darkness and shadows. Sometimes, you just have to let the light in."

Scorpio: "And sometimes, the darkness is all I've ever known."

Their differences became the foundation of their bond, each complementing the other in ways they never thought possible.

And when the time came to confront their feelings, Scorpio surprised Taurus with a heartfelt confession, his usually stoic facade crumbling in the face of love.

Scorpio: "Taurus, I know I'm not the easiest person to be around, but you've shown me that there's beauty in even the darkest of places. I...I think I might be falling for you."

Taurus, overcome with emotion, enveloped Scorpio in a warm embrace, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude.

Taurus: "Scorpio, you've brought so much light into my life. I may be the sunshine, but you're the warmth that sustains me."

And so, against the backdrop of Brightwood College, where the sun shone brightly and love blossomed in the unlikeliest of places, Scorpio and Taurus embarked on a journey of love and discovery, their hearts intertwined for eternity in a bond that defied all expectations.

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