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After the whole debacle that was this morning, Draco isn't so sure coming back was a good idea. Scratch that, he knew it wouldn't be a good idea, he just didn't think it would be as bad as it is. There are obviously some snakes that think that he's completely lost his mind and he's not so sure how far off they are. Everyone else is just surprised and disgusted he's here.

So he is sitting in the astronomy tower by himself. It has to be well after midnight, he doesn't really care if Filch comes in and kicks him out of school. It might actually be beneficial to the aching desire to just disappear and never come back to this school or just disappear in general, that would be nice too.

His eyes have to be glazed over by this point, he's looking over towards the lake and he's not sure he's actually seeing anything. His body feels like he is somewhere very far away, not actually connected to himself. He wonders if he doesn't think for long enough he can fade away into the nothingness.

He wonders how his mother is doing if she is fairing any better than he is. Life seems to be such a cruel joke right now. Locked in his own prison while his mother sits alone in the manor, not allowed to even see her son until Christmas. Three months is so long when he thinks about the next time he will feel a little at ease.

Draco isn't so sure he's cut out for this anymore. He can pretend that he's fine and a little crazy in front of all of his peers. But when he is left to his own devices he seems to feel like the world is imploding in his chest. He wonders what it would be like if he never had to feel any of this anymore. He's not suicidal, but if something were to happen that took him out of this pitiful excuse of a life he wouldn't be too upset honestly.

He sighs, it's not cold out but he's wearing a sweater and his scarf is wrapped around his neck. It helps, covering up everything so maybe he could blend in a little more. Maybe one day he will just dye his hair so no one will immediately know he's a Malfoy because of the bright blond hair.

He snorts at the thought, him with dark hair would be a sight to see.

His humour doesn't last long. Today was a mess, after his little mental breakdown by the Black Lake he decided that he should try to be a functioning member of society. So classes had to come first, though looking back on today he wonders how he could be such an idiot sometimes.

Obviously, he isn't ignorant to the way some people look at him. Like they wish he would just drop dead that very second, he just didn't think that anyone would do anything so soon. He hilariously thought he would have at least a few weeks before he would be the target of grieving peers. He never really thought the Hufflepuffs could be much of a threat, the house of fairness and good-doing, whatever. But, he has seriously misjudged them.

So, maybe he isn't just wearing the scarf to make himself less noticeable, but to hide the large purple bruise that is on his neck. He's pretty sure that if one looked close enough they could see the individual fingerprints on his skin. Too embarrassed by the fact that he didn't even try to fight back and that no one would care anyway, he's been hiding out in the astronomy tower instead of visiting the hospital wing. He isn't having any trouble breathing so it can't be too bad.

Though he might have to go to the hospital wing from the heart attack he has when someone sits directly across from him without him noticing.

"Fucking hell," Draco exhales as his heart starts to calm down noticing who it is.

"Hey." Potter is sitting in the window sill with him, his shirt loose and his hair messy.

"Hi." Draco blinks at him, his eyes scanning the face of the chosen one quickly. His eyes narrow when he sees that he looks almost as tired as Draco feels.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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