1 - everything about her

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Sophia POV

I honestly just wished she would shut up.

As the teacher blabbed on about how to do the assignment, I could feel my fingers itching to grab my pencil and keep working. Still, I remained intent, knowing that this was the best route to make Ms. Moore like me. And if I wanted to graduate top of my class this year, sucking up to teachers was a quintessential part of doing so. 

"Alright class, and one more thing. Since this assignment is so extensive, I'm going to assign you a partner to work with. You will be working with them on this assignment over the week, and indefinitely afterwards."

Did she just say indefinitely? I can feel my jaw on the floor. I lock eyes with Ms. Moore as she shoots me a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry, class, I know that not being able to choose your partner is frustrating. However, this class is incredibly difficult, and I need you all to be able to work through it. We do a lot of partner work in this class."

Great. Just great. Now I have to work with some bozo every day just so they can keep up? I really tried my best to conceal my scowl, but Ms. Moore's playful smile told me I was getting away with no such thing.

"Your partner has been selected based on your previous test scores, in addition to be own observation." Ms. Moore continues. "Please know that this is not random, but intentional."

With that, she claps her hands together to signify a finality in the conversation. "Alright class, on each lab table there is a sticky note containing the name of you and your partner. Those are your assigned seats. Now, find it!"

Begrudgingly, I get up from the chair I am currently sitting in and walk around the room to see if I can find my sticky note. I check all the tables to no avail, except for one. 

Alex Ward sits at the bench in front of the classroom, the one closest to the window. He is looking out of it, observing his friends who decided to take physical education this period instead of AP chemistry.  I approach the bench and see the scrawling handwriting written on a yellow sticky note:

Alex Ward; Sophia Alvarez

I sigh, taking the seat next to him. He turns towards me, smiling a little bit. When he sees me, his face turns a little shocked, as though I surprised him. I couldn't understand why. Hadn't he read the second half of the sticky note?

"Sophia, right?" He says, his cheeks a little flushed.

This is embarrassing to admit, but I know everything about Alex. I know that he plays football in the fall and baseball in the spring, and I know that he is one of the best players in the whole school in both sports. I know that he's really smart, like talking 4.0 gpa smart. I know that he's the quiet one of his friends, usually not participating much but just observing. I know that he is easily embarrassed and that his friends love to embarrass him. I know that lots of girls like him because of all the things that I just said. And now I know that he does not even know who I am. I know that he's just like his friends, deep down inside. 

"Yeah," Is all I say in response. I don't give him the satisfaction of returning the gesture by acknowledging that I know his name, too.

Alex POV

As I sit down in an empty lab bench in chem, I notice something stuck to the table. It's a small sticky note, and on it are two names written in scrawling handwriting.

Alex Ward; Sophia Alvarez

My stomach does flip-flops that I'm not entirely proud of. You see, I know a lot about Sophia.

I know the way her hand curves when she holds a pen. The shine in her eyes while she's listening to a lecture. The way her whole face lights up when she smiles. The fact that every free second she gets, she reads books that are dog-eared and worn with beautiful covers.

And I watch her, every day when I'm driving home from practice, pick up her younger siblings from school. I watch them all fly into her arms, ecstatic at the prospect of seeing her.

Does this mean what I think it means? Is Sophia going to sit here? I tap my foot nervously. No pressure.

Ms. Moore drones on, as per usual. Talking about the project that I already know the ins and outs of from reading the syllabus. I look out the window for distraction.

I see all of my friends, out there on the lawn. This year, they wanted all of us to have matching schedules, so that way we could all be in the same classes together senior year, and make the most memories. When I told them I was talking AP Chem during period three, they all scoffed.

"But Alex," Jack retorted, rolling his eyes. "We're all taking gym period three."

I shrugged. "There's nothing I can do," I say.

In fact, very few of my classes had my friends in them. They were never really the smart type, choosing to focus on sports instead. Although I missed having people to talk to in my class, it was a nice change of pace, not having to constantly worry what they were thinking about me.

"Alright class, on each lab table there is a sticky note containing the name of you and your partner. Those are your assigned seats. Now, find it!"

I can feel my stomach flip-flop. I look across the classroom to see Sofia looking at a sticky note on a different lab bench. I want to tell her to come over here, but I just look back out the window again. 

I hear someone approach the table and read the sticky note before sitting down. I turn towards her, trying to contain my excitement.

It's almost jarring, how much better something about her becomes up close. For one, she smells amazing, like fresh dryer sheets and vanilla and something nice underneath it all. I can see the flecks of hazel in her big green eyes, and her beauty is so striking that something inside me feels as though it is blooming, growing, trying to escape out of my chest.

"Sophia, right?" I say, and I can feel the heat on my face before it even comes. God, why does my mind have to betray me so badly?

"Yeah," She says, offering nothing else in response. I can feel my stomach turn for the worse. Does she dislike me? Her face is set in a small pout. As cute as it is, a vague part of me thinks it may be directed at me.

"Okay so," I say, running my hand through my hair. I notice Sofia's eyes following my hand as I do so. I try to hush away the thoughts that take this as a sign, but regardless I can't help but feel this giddyness inside. 

"Should we brainstorm ideas for the project now?" Sofia asks. "That way we can start research outside of class?"

She's looking up at me with these big doe eyes. Those eyes have gotten me into big, big trouble before.


Omg!! I'm honestly so excited to introduce you guys to this story; it has recently become a passion project of mine. Please note that updates may be inconsistent as I am writing this as I go, but I'm hoping to have weekly updates. I hope you love reading this book as much as I love writing it :)

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