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Ok so I know I haven't written anything in awhile there's just been a lot of stuff going on and I don't really have the motivation to write anything. But I'm gonna try an start doing better.

In case anyone is confused of the storyline, obviously it doesn't follow the movie, I'm hoping everyone caught onto that. The only thing that relates to the movie is the year and ages of everyone.

Y/n will see Kreese as like a father figure, and Mike basically as a brother.  Kreese will also have a girlfriend named Marissa who treats y/n like a daughter. Kreese and Marissa are gonna become a big part to the story.

I know this isn't the best book probably to some people but I do rush myself sometimes, I will do better on that, an I'm sorry about the slow updates.

I hope all of you have enjoyed the book so far and I hope you guys will enjoy the future chapters. With that I say goodnight, and stay cool my dudes❤️😎

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