Chapter 4- Mr. Stark Wha- Wh- Whaut Are You Doing Here?!

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Tony POV.

I smash my alarm clock only to realize I was sleeping on the floor again. I sigh as I get ready to make my way over to Peter's orphanage. I get a quick breakfast and ask Happy to drive to Happy Children Orphanage. I can't wait to surprise the kid. As I arrive I immediately try to compress my feeling of discomfort. The walls are stuffed up there are vines coming up the building, and the windows are almost boarded up. I knock on the door only to find it's unlocked and I just let myself in. I sat down on the dusty couch while I hear someone in the shower. I hear the shower turn off as a young boy with brown curls and brown eyes comes out of the bathroom. He seems to not notice I'm here I think. I'll just watch him. He puts on glasses and says Hi KAREN. Im mildly confused as to whom he's talking to. I'll just keep watching.

KAREN what's my schedule today? Well Mini Boss you have school homework, then you have to pick up Andy, Cindy, and Clarity from their elementary school field trip, then you have patrol after that. It appears that you also have an interview with Tony Stark today in about ten minutes. Thanks KAREN.

Wait this kid made a fricken Ai just like FRIDAY! He has to work with me. I think it's time to reveal myself.

So you're Peter Parker Yes?

Peter POV.

WHAT THE SHIT! I drop my cereal bowl as I see THE Tony Stark sitting on my freaking couch. How the hell did you get in? I say suspicious. Your door was unlocked so I just let myself in. Ok. Wha- whaut are you doing here? It's Ten minutes early. Well I figured Id surprise you, kid. Im not a kid im 16. Alright whatever. So I have a new offer for you Peter. How would you like to be my Personal Intern?

My eyes went wide as I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing. A-re you sure cuz like they're are a lot of others who probably deserve that spot way more then me because I can work my way up not that I don't appreciate the offer it's just that I'm so busy with school homework decathlon my two friends and-

Kid, you're rambling. Sorry. But you deserve it more out of anyone who applied. So your schedule will be to come to the tower Monday Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 to 8:00. Got it underoos. Um yeah. Great see you on Monday. As he walks out of the building I let go of my breath. Then I go to my room and head out for my patrol.

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