Chapter 2- The Internship

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Peters POV.

So ? What should I call you?

Just call me Iron

Ok sure.

Peter has changed ? To Iron

Hey Iron nice to meet you I'm Peter

Nice to meet you too kid.

I put my phone away and smile. I stare off into space only to realize I was late for first period. I rushed getting my clothes on while trying to fix my hair failing miserably to do so. KAREN what's my schedule today.
Your schedule today includes school, your internship test for S.I, and Spider-manning after the test.
Thanks KAREN.
No problem Mini Boss, I do as I am programmed.

I laugh at that and head off to school. I walk into school only to be immediately shoved into the lockers by Flash. "Hey Penis Parker miss me?", he grinned as I try to regain my posture. "Flash fuck off your voice is annoying me.", I suddenly hear from behind him. I look behind him to see Mj looking at Flash straight in the eyes giving him her best death glare. If looks could kill im pretty sure Flashes body would be in a ditch. I see Flash debating if he should test his luck on life today but finally decided against it. "Fine whatever Penis Parker needs his girlfriend to protect him, ha, how pathetic." He walks away after letting Peter go. "Thanks Mj." I said. "You are welcome loser now come on I can't deal with Ned without assistance." She said not bothering to look up from her sketch book. I walk with her to home room before saying goodbye. I say hi to Ned and do our secret handshake. The day flies by with last period rolling around. I take a seat as the teacher explains the internship test. "Alright class today we have a very special offer to which one of you could win an internship at Stark Industries." "Obviously im the best fit for this position teach no one else here deserves that internship more than me." I sigh as Flash announces this out loud. "Shut it Thompson. In all honesty not to pick favorites here but I think Peter might actually be the most qualified to work there." The teacher replied. "W-what? Me!?" I shout out in surprise. "Yeah right like Peni- I mean Parker has any chance of even seeing the Stark Tower." Flash laughs. "Well then you have nothing to worry about Mr. Thompson." The teacher replied snarkily. He begins passing out the tests. Peter glances over it and smiles. The test was mostly about science, chemistry, tech, and personality questions. Peter answers all of them easily. Then the final three questions he had to think about.

The first one being about what is the most important technology equipment in S.I? Peter answered the Arc Reactor. It's what keeps The Tony Stark Alive and the same tech runs the whole building. The second question was about math. He solved it in 1 minute not thinking much of it. The last question being the most personal. What keeps him motivated and what makes him deserve the internship. There were already answer choices below it like I want to make my parents proud or I want to succeed in life. Peter instead didn't cicle anything, but wrote about his family's motto and formula to life. W/Gp=Gr. He wrote the formula not explaining what it stands for but the story behind it. He turns his test in with a time of 48 minutes. The students around him are shocked that he turned it in so fast many of them thinking that he either cheated or rushed through it. I go to sit back down and with my super hearing I hear Flash begging people around him for copies of the answers. Peter is glad that no one offered copies and by the end of class Flash was part of the half of the class that didn't even finish the test. After he walked out of school he gets tripped by a foot that just so happened to be Flashes. He cackles before punching him in the face. After getting beat up by flash he goes back t9 the orphanage a bruise already forming on his pale skin. After going to his room he goes out patrolling.

KAREN scan the city see if this Spider needs to stop any crimes today. Scanning in progress Mini Boss. Scan shows that there is a robbery on South Ave. Confirmed that there are three robbers at the bank. They have a hostage held at gunpoint too. Well fuck todays starting off on this!? He thinks. Ok thanks again KAREN. He swings from building to building to South Ave. I kicks down the glass doors and shoots his webs disarming the robbers. Fuck it's Spider-man! Ya know guys it's not nice to swear. I shoots his webs ultimately sticking them to the ground unable to move leaving everything else to the police. After stopping three more mugging sand saving a woman from a car accident he goes back to the orphanage quietly slipping through his window. He gets an email from his teacher saying that he got accepted as an intern at S.I. He stares at his phone in disbelief reading it over and over again. He squeals in delight and calls Ned and Mj to tell them. They talk until morning. Peter hangs up and notices that his wound reopened and decides to text Iron.

Hey Iron the wound reopened and I need to know how to disinfect it.

Kid why do you always text me at the weirdest times. Also again!? Do your parents know about this they could help you.

I don't think two gravestones are gonna be much of a help.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't know kid. Ok so here's how to disinfect the wound.....

He goes on to telling Peter how to clean his wound effectively. Peter rereads his email and sees that he'll be starting next week on Monday. Today was Friday. Peter just decides to go out patrolling again. He slips into his suit and pulls over his mask excited about his new internship.

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