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A/N: At the time of writing this, I haven't even finished Vol 3 yet so all the things here might not be accurate 100% but I will try my best to stay true to the original storyline.


"What would we get if we do what you want us to do?" The voice of a boy asked in an annoying tone, with the 9 mm Walther P38 semi-automatic pistol in his right hand with only 4 ammo in the original mag and only one additional mag left.

"A better place to stay, better jobs, and an actual school all of you could go to, just think of all the money y'all will get just by doing what we want you to do." The robotic voice replied, he was holding an AR-15 lightweight semi-automatic rifle with both his, and it surely still had a lot of bullets left in there.

The boys sigh before responding "Well... our ammo is really low right now... even if we don't accept it, Kaiser will just force us to accept this deal, isn't it?" The boy replied while putting his P38 back in his bag with the safety on.

"Our ammo is low, we won't last for more than 5 minutes, even if all of us is here." Another boy added in, he was holding a 7.92×57mm Gewehr 43 Mauser caliber semi-automatic rifle with no ammo left.

The male robot laughs "Very impressive for a 13-year-old, let's go discuss more about this stuff with the president of Kaiser PMC." He said.

Both boys look at each other before agreeing to do it.


(Alright, after this point it gets more serious)

(During the event of Vol F, Between The Rabbit of Caerbannog Chapters 1 and 2)

Around half an hour before the event of "False Sanctums" 2 of the students from SRT go into the basement of Schale and take something out of it.

The reason was unknown for now but it will play a very important part later in the story.

6,000 ft in the skies over Schale.

(View of Kivotos from above as reference, Imagine it with fire and smoke on the street and some buildings and low clouds

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(View of Kivotos from above as reference, Imagine it with fire and smoke on the street and some buildings and low clouds. ^)

High above all the chaos below them, a formation of 10 aircraft in the shape appears like an arrow pointing forward, soars through the clear bright blue sky at the speed of 750 kilometers per hour (466 miles per hour) the clouds below them help in hidden the formation from those below.

Today's mission, a surprise hit-and-run, with a rocket, gun, and even a modified version of a 50mm High-Velocity Anti-Tank gun.

"<<Stunden team, Eagle Eyes, Confirm target area, there's no anti-air defense in the area, all of you are clear to engage with the targets and get out of there as quickly as possible.>>" A masculine voice reported through the radio, cutting off the radio silent order that was already deactivated a few minutes before this.

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