Chapter 5

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Staring at the gun inches away from my face, I was almost speechless. "I'm sorry, but what?" I stammered my heart thumping. I had not seen this coming. "Why do you want me to come with you?"

"A certain friend of  mine wishes to speak with you," the auburn woman replied evasively. "You would do better to just come willingly-it will make things easier."

As the woman shifted, adjusting her grip on the gun, I saw she had changed outfits from earlier. Now she was in a black jumpsuit with a utility belt around her waist. Another gun was attached to the belt in easy reach for her. All at once I knew that she was not your average criminal-she was an expert.

"Well," I tried to reply calmly. "I..." A crazy idea suddenly came to my head. Lifting my head slightly, I looked deliberately past the slim woman. "Oh, Liz! I knew you would come back-you left your check here."

The woman tensed and glanced over her shoulder. That moment gave me just the chance I had hoped for. I spun around and made a run for it-dashing through the swinging door and into the bakery. I prayed the woman would not shoot as she had sounded like she wanted me alive.

Thinking fast I ducked under the large pastry oven in the bakery that had a few feet clearance underneath it. I ducked back in the corner, pressing myself against the hall. If I had judged right, the shadows of the dark unlit bakery would hide me.

While I waited for my heart beating faster than I imagined it had ever beaten before, I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed 911. "Please send the Police, I"m at Chris's Cones and there is a woman here with a gun who threatened me. Please come quickly!" I whispered as quietly as I could into the phone.

"Stay calm miss, help will be right there," the composed voice of the woman dispatching replied back.

Pocketing my phone, I glanced forward, wishing to close my eyes and pretend I could make the danger go away. Will she find me? I cringed as the swinging door slammed inwards, hitting the wall. She's here.

From my low vantage point all I could see were the woman's high-heeled boots as she crept silently into the bakery.

The click of her heels against the tile floor sent jolts through me. She drew closer, slowly, step by step until suddenly she was right in front of my hiding spot.

I tried not to breath-wonder if my quick heart beats that were puding in my ears had led her to me. She'll find me for sure!

Suddenly there was the sound of sirens in the distance that quickly grew louder as the vehicles neared the shop.

The woman cursed under her breath. She ran straight past my hiding spot and I heard the slam of the back door as she made her escape.
Now safe at last, I exhaled loud and clear. She was gone and the police were here.

The overwhelming events combined with the
busy word day I had experienced took a toll on me. All at once everything grew dark and I blacked out.


"Miss? Miss, are you okay?"

I heard voices in the far distance-I felt something cold on my neck.

My eyes flew open and I gazed around widely. Where am I? Colorful lights blurred in the background. A man and woman in black uniform were bent over me.

"She's awake," the woman turned away and addressed someone else.

"Just relax, you're safe," the man spoke as if sensing the worry that was going through me.
Breathing in and out slowly, I took a moment to gather my bearings as I glanced at my surroundings. I was outside on the ground. The police had arrived; three or four patrol cars were present, blinding lights flashing. I saw some police go inside the building while a few others were talking in a group nearby.

"Here," the policeman by my side handed me a disposable plastic water bottle. "Drink this-it will help."

Obediently I slowly sipped some of the cold drink. It helped relax my nerves. "Thanks," I told the man appreciatively.

"You're welcome," the man, whose badge read "Sheriff Leids" replied, his wrinkled face grave. "What can you tell us about what happened?"

Taking one more quick sip of water, I then launched into a description of the woman, starting with the events of the day I had first met her and ending with how today she had tried to take me somewhere to meet her 'friend.' When I had finished the sheriff exchanged glances with his partner.

"Not just any criminal it sounds like," the woman said thoughtfully.

"I agree," Sheriff Leids nodded. He turned to me. "Why don't I give you a ride home?" He held out his hand and with his help I stood up a little shaky on my feet.

"That is very kind of you but I can drive myself home," I explained. "My car is parked in the backlot."

"You are in no condition to drive," the sheriff explained sympathetically. "I must insist-surely you can pick up your car tomorrow."

With a sigh, I realized the wisdom in the older man's words. I was still shaky and unsteady from the ordeal. Heck I could barely stand on my own! "Alright," I nodded. "That would be great, thank you."

A few minutes later I was cruising down the main road in the back seat of the sheriff's marked car. I bit my lip worriedly. So much for Aunt Emma getting sleep. She and Uncle Max were going to freak out when I showed up in the back of a patrol car. I would be lucky if my aunt ever slept again after hearing what had happened tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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