Chapter 3: Mishap

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Hearing footsteps on the stairs, I looked up from the book I had been reading to see a tired but satisfied Aunt Emma enter the room.

"Did they go down nicely?" I asked, setting Pride and Prejudice aside.

Collapsing into a chair at the dining room table, Aunt Emma smiled exhaustedly. "For now. Hopefully Jaime doesn't have another nightmare tonight."

"I can get up with him," I offered. My sweet aunt had been up the past few nights with Jamie. The poor boy having so many nightmares-my poor aunt having only gotten four hours of sleep last night!

Uncle Mark worked late nights and he was too exhausted to stand up let alone be up with Jamie every few hours.

"Oh that's sweet of you Ria," smiling, Aunt Emma put her hand on my arm. "You're growing up so fast-what would I do without you."

At her words, I slid uneasily in my seat and looked at the steaming cup of cocoa I held in my hands. Would it be right? Aunt Emma needed me so much especially with Uncle Mark working such crazy hours at the IT place. I knew I couldn't leave her, yet part of me yearned for freedom. I could not remain tied down here forever-I would explode!

"Well, I'm going to go get some rest," Aunt Emma said as she stood up. She kissed me on the head. "Thank you for your help today. Don't stay up too late, you need to rest just as much as I do."

"Okay, love you," Smiling at her motherliness,I waved as she left the room. She had always been like a second mother to me.

Once I heard the bedroom door click shut, I turned back to my steaming drink. taking a sip from my drink, I glanced around. Then I reached into the back pocket of my black work pants and pulled out a white envelope.

I slowly unfolded the letter and read it again for the tenth time.

June 6th

Dear Ambria Cleaver,

Congratulations! We are excited to notify you that due to your soaring academic achievements you have received a full scholarship to New York City College of Liberal Arts. Please notify the staff here at NYCCLA within 61 days of receiving this letter to secure your spot.


The Admissions Staff at NYCCLA

With a sigh I put the letter back in the envelope and shoved it deep into my pocket. Not one word had I spoken aloud about the letter to my family. My Aunt and Uncle had no knowledge of it. I had received the letter over a month ago and still had yet to decide what I was going to do about it.

I could not leave now, not when Uncle Mark was busy as ever with his job and when Aunt Emma had her hands full with her new teaching job and the kids. It just would not be fair. They had given up so much for me, the least I could do was help them.

Someday, maybe, I would be able to go to college. There would be other scholarships, other opportunities. Right now Aunt Emma needed me.


"Is the order ready yet?" I asked as I entered the kitchen the next day. It was lunchtime-one of our business hours at the ice cream/mini restaurant.

"Yes, for the older man and woman seated in the back corner," My fellow co-worker, Liz, replied, flipping a burger on the grill.

Picking up the handful of small black trays, I carefully balanced them in my hands and on my arms as I walked back through the flipping door and into the main stormfront. The chatter of guests combined with the upbeat 50s tune "Sh-boom" greeted me.

I made my way past many small tables with checkered tablecloths to the table Liz had specified. The front of the store was vintage fifties themed with high red barstools at a wooden counter, an ancient phone booth in the corner and other knick knacks spread here and there. I always mulled over how the shop looked like it was straight out of a movie. I even dressed the part wearing a navy blue skater skirt and a black apron to match my navy blue shirt and cap.

Smiling, I set the trays down on the table in front of the gentleman and his wife. "Here you are-the chicken tenders and fries, and the Grilled Reuban."

"Thank you honey," the woman smiled at me. She sniffed, a pleased expression on her face. "It smells delicious!"

"I'm glad you think so, let me know if you ever need anything else," I offered.

"We will, thank you," the older man nodded.

I turned and headed back to the kitchen. On the way I picked up some empty trays and cups from one of the tables.

Suddenly I tripped on something and almost fell over. The tray started to slip from my hands. No! I panicked, visibly, mentally wishing I could stop the tray before it fell and dishes broke.

God somehow made a miracle as I somehow managed to catch my grip and stop the tray from falling. Tightening my hands on the tray, I straightened.

"I am so sorry Miss," someone spoke up.

Turning I faced a man in black suit who was wearing black glasses. 

He pulled his leg back under the table he was seated at

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He pulled his leg back under the table he was seated at. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Realizing he had accidentally tripped me, I nodded and forced a smile-it would never do to be rude to a customer.

I looked from him to the auburn-haired pretty woman and darker complexioned athletic man with sunglasses who were seated with him. "Have you already ordered?

"Yes, we did," the woman spoke up, smiling. "The nice girl with the brown hair helped us."

"Good, your food should be out shortly," Smiling one more time, I turned and made my way back into the kitchen this time without any mishap.


"Are you sure that's her?" The man in the suit spoke quietly as he watched the waitress disappear through a swing door into the back. "She seemed...young."

"Yes, I'm positive," the auburn-haired woman nodded.

"Did you see the way she caught that tray mid air? As if it froze in time?" the first man, in the black glasses, said in a tone of disbelief.

the athletic man in the sunglasses and trench coat frowned.

 "My estimates were correct it seems," he looked at his companions

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 "My estimates were correct it seems," he looked at his companions. "We still have to wait though, I want to be sure that we have the right person," he added gravely. "Then, we will act."

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