"Hey, Rory," he grinned wider when she tightened her hold around him before leaning back.

"I don't know how this is possible but I think I've missed you these past couple of days more than I miss you when you're in another continent," she said, but her smile was still intact when Atlas scoffed, "speaking of other continents, want to call Nia?"

"Did she miss me though?" He gave her a look, "I bet she threw a party."

"Don't say that!" She threw her arm around him, "let's go heal you first though. I'll call James down, I don't know what the hell he's doing."

"What do you mean?" Kai asked before she could leave.

"Nothing, he just hasn't come out of his room for a while, I don't think he knows you're here yet," she shrugged, "I'll go tell him."

Who's Nia? I mean I knew her, Aurora's sister, knew about her at least since she is one of them. But who's Nia to him? The moment she was mentioned the anger and jealousy that had clouded his expression moments before seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of longing and satisfaction.

After James took Kai and Atlas to heal them, I headed upstairs to my room and thought I'd draw everything and everyone out since I'm alone for a few. I didn't want to think about what happened to Emma or Kai or even me. I didn't want to have any thoughts, even my own, but that's not what happened.

Because one thought lingered. One person.

I don't think I've ever seen someone this angry at someone else's happiness. That was pure envy. The ugly kind. Like he couldn't bear the sight of Kai and Nazeera at this moment.

When I couldn't get my mind off of it, I decided to do the one thing that would shut off my mind, make it focus on one thing, drawing.

So I grabbed my sketchbook and crayons after locking my door, and I didn't even have to stare at the white paper for a long time before I grabbed all the shades of blue I have.


I thought his blue eyes were so different than any other I've ever seen, I said they were like the calm ocean, the soft waves lapping against the shore, inviting and serene. But now it was as if that ocean was caught in a storm, tumultuous waves crashing against one another, dark clouds looming overhead.

The tranquility that once resided within them had been replaced by a tempest of emotions, each wave carrying with it the weight of anger, jealousy, and bitterness. When I looked into his eyes, I couldn't help but feel the intensity of the storm brewing within him, a storm that threatened to swallow everything in its path.

With trembling hands, I picked up my sketchbook and a charcoal pencil, feeling the urge to capture the tumultuous storm raging within Atlas's eyes. As I pressed the pencil against the paper, my strokes were quick and erratic, mirroring the chaotic swirls of emotion that danced within his gaze.

With each stroke, I attempted to capture the intensity of the storm, the dark clouds churning overhead and the crashing waves that threatened to consume everything in their path. The charcoal smudged against the paper, creating shadows that seemed to echo the depths of Atlas's anger and jealousy.

As I drew, I found myself lost in the tempestuous scene unfolding on the page, my own emotions mingling with those I sought to capture. The storm within Atlas's eyes started to mirrored the storm within my own heart, a turbulent maelstrom of conflicting feelings that threatened to overwhelm me.

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