Chapter 2

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I thought once I was alone, my mind would ease again. That I wouldn't feel anything, but I did. Well, I didn't at the moment. But I remember what I felt, I kept thinking about it. This morning we watched J give her speech on TV. My mind tried to focus on what she was saying but instead it was tugged somewhere else, sensing what Zade, Mum, and Dad were feeling.

Zade was okay, sort of. Concerned but the normal like me. But Mum and Dad weren't just concerned, they were scared. It terrified me. I didn't live what they did, but I heard about it. What we studied at school was just words on paper to most people, but to me, was my family's life. The stories I heard from my parents and Uncles growing up made me feel bad for them, but also proud. But I didn't have my powers then, now it was so much more than feeling bad.

Now I was actually scared. Scared for what might be coming our way. Scared for my parents going through what they did once more. I didn't want them to live like this again, it was supposed to be over. And I most certainly didn't want to feel it.

A knock on the door snapped my out of my thoughts, making me clear my thought, "come in."

The door cracked open on instant, Mum's head peeking in, "hey!"

"Hi," I smiled, sitting straight on the bed, my eyes falling to how she was holding something behind her back and arched a brow in question.

"Look what I made you!" She walked in, her arms coming in front of her, showing me a short red dress with lace sleeves, "it's for tomorrow's Christmas night."

"Oh my god," my smile widened as I stood up, brushing my hands on the material, examining it again, "it's so pretty. Thank you."

I hugged her, taking the dress to hang it in the closet until tomorrow.

"I made Emma one too, for her Secret Santa."

"Mum, it's called secret Santa," I shook my head as I closed the closet, "you can't just tell me."

"Well, you're not Emma so it doesn't matter," she waved a hand, "plus, it's so fun how every year Warner gets so frustrated when I get people clothes, so it will be so worth it when it's Emma."

"You guys act even more childish than Zade and I sometimes," I chuckled, going to sit on the bed again. I haven't felt anything that made me upset since she came in. I only felt how content and excited she was, which was nice. I haven't felt much happy emotions since I got my powers because they appeared in such a bad time when everybody was down, so I tried to hang on to any good emotion I can sense.

"Are you hungry? I'm making Zade dinner," Mum asked, pointing with her thumb towards Zade's room.

"Yeah, sure," I nodded, "I'll finish up some homework and come outside."

"Okay, sweetie," she rubbed down my arm before leaving, closing the door softly behind her, and I threw myself on the bed. I didn't tell anyone about my powers yet, except for Zade and Uncle Warner who found out on his own. I wanted to tell them, but I didn't want to know how they felt about it, how they felt about how I felt about it.

When I tried to do it with Zade, he just felt bad, sad about how I was feeling. I wasn't mad at him, I just didn't like it. I don't know what I expected but I immediately regretted telling him. Uncle Warner not feeling bad for me could be a reason why I should believe my parents may not too, but I'd be lying to myself. He was different. He didn't feel bad because he understood. Felt understood.

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