Blazing Centre

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Blazing orange hues coloured the setting sky as the Sun retreated into the distant horizon. The wispy clouds shrouded out the majestic Sun as it slowly fell back and disappeared from the atmosphere. Dusk had fallen, mitigated by the faint moonlight and gleaming streetlamps. It was time for my family and I to head to the shopping center - that was a stone's throw away from our house - for our weekly grocery shopping.

The shopping center was teeming with people as Christmas was around the corner. Familiar tunes and Christmas carols filled the air as it merged with the unceasing and incessant chatter that contributed towards the festive atmosphere. The bazaar of greens and reds sprawled across the central lobby of the first floor, decorating and adorning the already ornate mall. Young and old alike meandered among the stalls in the bazaar as their shoulders were laden with heavy paper bags. Further decorations were hung in heavy drapes around every pillar. We nudged our way into the bazaar.

"Come on! Let's go to the toy store!"

My brother yelled as he tugged gleefully at my hand, with an enthusiastic burst of energy. I rolled my eyes as I started to tail him, with an amused smile. We milled around, blissfully unaware of the panic that would soon ensue...


A loud blast ricocheted throughout the air as chaos erupted from the crowd.

"James! John! Where are you?"

My father screamed, his voice shrill with terror. I glanced around in bewilderment as I tried desperately to make sense of the pandemonium encompassing me.

"Hey... Look!"

James, my brother, stuttered frantically as he pointed a trembling finger towards a giant Christmas tree. My jaw dropped as I stood rooted to the ground. I beheld the horrendous sight before my eyes as I turned into a statue. The giant Christmas tree had burst into flames, a truly horrific spectacle to watch. Soon, panic punctured the air. Everyone pushed and shoved one another aside, causing me to be tossed aside like a rag doll in the ensuing tumult as the masses streamed towards the entrance of the mall.

In a matter of minutes, the entire Level One was choked with thick, acrid smoke. Sparks were whirling in all directions as the swathes of cloth decorating the stalls around us caught on crimson red fire in the blink of an eye. My brother and I gawked in dismay as we heard the shrieks of the panic-stricken crowd reverberating through the air of the shopping mall.

"James! John! Follow me now!"

My father instructed sternly as he appeared out of the crowd, tugging my brother and I along. At that juncture, a loud bawling caught my attention.

Who is that? Do they need help?

I thought to myself as my feet slowed to a stop, my hand slipping away from my father's clammy grip.t

Glancing around, I noticed a little boy crying his lungs out. The flames were merciless in their pursuit as they edged nearer towards the boy. Just as the flaming beats approached, my legs took flight. I knew I had to do something. I could not just leave him there! Heading straight towards the boy, I scooped him into my arms.

"We need to go!"

I panted as I heaved with tremendous exertion. After all, I was only 12. Dashing towards the exit that was partially obscured by the smoke, the little boy clung onto me with his arms around my neck as I nearly stumbled forwards. My heart almost skipped a beat as I wondered briefly where my family was and if we could even get out of this ordeal alive.

By now, most of the crowd had evacuated. However, my dire situation only continued. The heat from the flames only made my legs pump faster. As I reached the exit, cries of joy greeted me warmly. A few burly firemen dragged us out of the crumbling building as I collapsed heavenly onto the pavement. Just then, a woman scurried over towards us and took the boy from my arms. She blubbered words of gratitude for saving her son. Her eyes were red and puffy as she noticed the tears that streaked down her son's face.

"You're okay now, buddy!"

I managed to pant as I flashed him a weak smile.

At that moment, a warm body slammed into mine. The next thing I knew, my brother was in my arms, wailing at the top of his lungs. My parents were close behind, their faces as pale as a sheet of paper. They were visibly struggling to hold back their tears. Relief flooded into my veins as I realized I had overcome this tribulation unscathed.

Golden flames soon engulfed the entire building. It was a horrific contrast against the velvet sky that was so peaceful just a few moments ago. Columns of smoke billowed out from the windows as moans of pain and groaning filled the air. A tight knot fisted in my stomach as I watched the firemen battle the lazing fire. Water spurted in an endless stream but it almost seemed like an futile effort - the fire only burned brighter in stubborn defiance. Was it impossible?

I saw the few remaining injured shoppers as they hobbled out from the raging demon, their clothes in rags. As fear sank into me, three pairs of arms embraced me. I realized who they were.

"I'm glad you're all safe." I murmured as tears cascaded down my cheeks.

"There was a short circuit at the Christmas Tree!"

I overheard a fireman holler as he dashed past me. I was grateful that I managed to escape by a hair's breadth. I could only pray for the safety of all those involved in this terrible situation. This shopping trip reminded me, ironically, that life can be as fragile as a wisp of smoke. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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