Chapter 7: Smarty

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After Potions finished, I caught up with Cormac McLaggen.

"Hey, mind if I walk with you?" I ask Cormac as I bat my eyelashes.

"No, of course not," he says as he smirks at me.

We walk together to our next class DADA, as we're walking and talking I take glances back to see Atlas walking behind us as he was in the same class, so I add a little sway to my hips as I walk, and touch Cormac's chest and laugh at what he's saying.

Once we got to our DADA class I sat next to Cormac as he was my partner, Atlas and Draco sat behind us, and as everyone paid attention to Harry fighting and yelling with Umbridge, I took a glance at Atlas to see him looking at me, so I took the chance to talk to Cormac, as I touched his arm and as I felt Atlas eyes boring into me, I crossed my legs one on top of the other and slowly pulled my skirt up, showing the lace in my stockings where they finish. I could see Cormac's eyes lowering to my legs and smirking at my stockings, so I then looked behind me to see Atlas getting irritated at Cormac staring at my legs then he turned to look at me, but instead of looking away, we held eye contact as I smiled at him batting my eyelashes then looking back to the front of the classroom at Harry and Umbridge as if nothing happened.

Throughout the class, I would play with my quill caressing my lips, face, along my jawline, and down my neck, and I would look back here and there smiling at him innocently as his breath turned heavier by the minute and as I turned to look at him one last time I pouted giving him fuck me eyes and then smiled which then made him breathe even heavier, but as the class ended a minute after he ran out of the classroom.

I packed my things and walked slowly out of the classroom, smiling to myself and ignoring Cormac as he followed me like a puppy out of the classroom. Seeing as I was ignoring him, he ended up leaving. I met up with Lisa and Mandy, and we went to the girl's restroom. I told them what had happened, shrieking and giggling.

"Wait, tell us the story again," Mandy said excitedly.

"There wasn't much to it I just tried making him jealous as you said and then I ended up getting jealous because he was looking at me and Hermione and Hermione was looking at him in awe, so I made him jealous with Cormac and I teased him a bit and he ended up running out of the classroom," I told them.

"Wait, so does Hermione fancy him too?" Lisa asked, confused.

"I believe so, but I'm not entirely sure. On Friday, she said he was cute," I told them, getting kind of jealous.

"I always thought she had a thing for Harry Potter," Mandy said in shock, "Well I believe Atlas likes you though," Mandy said reassuringly.

"Of course he does. Why else would he have stormed off," Lisa said, smiling at me.

After we were done catching up in the restroom Mandy, Lisa, and I were going to the great hall for dinner when I realized I forgot my notes in DADA so I told them to go on and I'll meet up with them afterward.

I walked down the empty hallways as everyone was in the great hall. I suddenly felt someone pull me into an empty classroom. Once I turned around to see who it was, I was surprised to see Atlas.

"What was that?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"I don't know what you mean?" I say, acting innocently.

"You flirting with everyone who comes your way and lifting your skirt," he says breathlessly as he looks down at my skirt.

"I wasn't flirting with everyone who came my way," I say defensively.

"Yes you were, you were acting like a slut," he says getting irritated.

"What's it to you anyways," I say defensively at him calling me a slut.

"That it makes me Insane," he says aggressively pushing me back making my back hit the desk behind me as he steps closer towering over me again. Without a second thought, I pulled him down by his tie and kissed him aggressively, he then pulled away looking at me shocked and I started to apologize but then he cut me off by grabbing the back of my neck and kissing me aggressively again, he moved his hands down my body to the back of my thighs and picked me up placing me on top of the desk, he then parted my legs and stepped between my legs pressing himself against me as I begin breathing heavy into the kiss feeling him rub my thighs and getting the lace elastic from my stockings and then letting in smack my skin making me my breath hitched.

After what felt like seconds but was actually minutes he pulled out from the kiss and just looked down at me.

"I can't do this, not yet," he told me as he picked me up and placed my feet back on the floor.

"Why not?" I asked looking up at him.

"I haven't taken you out yet," he says chuckling.

"When will you then?" I asked him.

"Soon," he tells me smiling as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

We then left the classroom and went to the great hall, which I entered first and he entered 5 minutes after to not make it noticeable. After dinner, Lisa, Mandy, and I went to our dorm where I ended up telling them everything and we shrieked in excitement. That night I went to sleep smiling at what had happened that day.

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