chpter 12

70 3 2

Mention of suicide.

Johnnie's pov

"I'll call the company tomorrow." Jake says and grabs my waist from behind. I turn around. I look up at him. "Do it today please." He looks down at me. "I would rather do something else today." He moves his hands to my ass. He squeezes it. "Not right now." "Why?" "Because I have to see if she took anything." "But- " "No buts. Go cheek your room." "Ugh fine." He lets go of me. "Wait." He turns around and I lean up to kiss him. I pull away and he has a huge smile on his face. "Thank you. " "Yep. " I start walking to my room because God forbid she would steal from her Jakey Wakey. I roll my eyes and walk into my room. It all looks fine. I walk to my bathroom. "What the FUCK!?" I yell. Jake comes running in to find me sitting on the floor, crying. "What happened?" I look up at him and open my hands. He looks into my hands to find a ripped picture of my old best friend from Jr high and I. "She ruined my picture!" Jake sits down next to me and hugs me. I put my face in his chest. "She ruined the only picture I have left of him!" "I know, love, I know." "I wish you guys never broke up!" He pushes me off him. "Why would you say that?" I hold up the ripped picture. "This! None of this would've happened if you guys were still dating!" "So you don't want to be with me?" "That is not what I said!" "Then what are you saying?" "I'm saying if you two were still together I would still have a picture of the man who killed himself for me!" "She didn't know!" I stop and look at him. "What?" "Johnnie I-" "You were helping her! You helped her excape!" "Johnnie listen to me!" "No! You listen to me Webber! Your ex girlfriend-  wait is she even your ex or are you both using me?" "We aren't using you!" "I'm not done talkng! Your girlriend came into our house and into my room and ruined MY picture while I Me your supposedly BOYFRIEND! Was in the hospital?" Jake looks at me. "The silence is all I need." I push past him and walk into my room. He follows me. "Johnnie let me explained." I ignore him and grab my suitcase. "Johnnie what are you doing?" "Packing." "Why?" "Because I'm leaving." "Where are you gonna go? You have no one to go to. You're a little bitch that nobody likes. And we were using you." I look at him with a blank stare. "Cool." I get my shit together and I get my phone out then  start walking outside. "Where are you going?" "None of your business." "But, how are you going to get there?" "Uber." "Why would you leave me? I love you." I stop and start laughing at him. "What's so funny?" "You thinking you can manipulate me. You think you're so fucking cool. Don't you? You think everyone loves you. You wish you were perfect so now you have to bring other people down. You think I loved you." "You did." "Ha, who would ever love you?" My phone goes off and I check it. "Good bye Jake." I walk outside with my stuff. "Where to?" The guys asks. "Take me to the airport." He starts driving.


Wow well that's it for now. Have fun or don't while waiting for the next chapter.

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