! ? : Ruined Romance : : [FOUR]

Start from the beginning

Their movements complimenting each other, one being messier while the other kept a graceful glow like a ballerina and a bartender, two completely opposites. But even so, they still seemed to fit each other perfectly like a puzzle to form a mutual emotion of love and understanding. The two darlings raced through the hallways, laughing to each other's comments as they sneaked past doors and walls incase the owner of the hotel and her girlfriend actually did come looking for them as it'd cause them a lot of explaining on why the two knew each other ! But there's a time for everything and now is not the time for that. Though, sooner or later, they'll have to speak up and tell the truth, risking losing the princess's trust or gaining her happiness and joy to their relationship and placing the sweet radio demon in the role the Queen used to play in her life, her mother.

Lucifer chuckled before speaking up, the two were carefully stood behind a wall just incase, the words that came from his mouth being, ' ' I've missed seeing ya, deer-ling. ' ' Making a pun out of the word ' Darling '. This was followed by an amused laugh from the red head, the King's puns were not at all funny but his laughter was actually caused by the familiar affect of Lucifer's words. Alastor then nodded in reply, ' ' I as well have missed you, my deer. ' ' He replied, making a pun as well causing the two to have a light fit of laughter. What an adorable moment with our favourite couple, am I right?

Description !

Meanwhile with the heir to the throne and her loyal subject, her lover, the two had took note of the two's disappearence after well . . 15 minutes.

!¡ ☆ VIEW CHANGE : ' ' CHARLIE ' ' : :

Charlie got worried, thinking of the possiblities of why her dad or her dear friend wasn't here. Not the actual reason though but rather ' Oh ! What if they're hurt? ', things like that whilst her girlfriend tried to reassure her that the two were capable of taking care of themselves, she didn't really think that though. Yes, Vaggie knew the two were powerful but she never trust Alastor, she thought the two had snuck off but for a rather cruel reason. She wasn't going to tell her beloved that though, not wanting to fill her head with useless worries as half of her knew even the cruel and evil radio demon had some common sense to not mess with the King of Hell, the Lucifer, the devil himself, the most hated being in creation or at least, she hoped so.

The female duo then walked through the hallways to find the princess's father and his royal guard. The distress and worry showed through both of them. How sweet even after seven years of distance, Charlie still cared for her father's well being. The duo spent awhile searching to put themselves in a dead end due to the fact Alastor and Lucifer had faster methods of transport than the either of them, which was difficult to keep track of, sad really.

Description !

Apologizes for so many changes but let's go see our loveable trio downstairs or well two under qualified staff members and a celebrity ! But they're still erm . . Cool !

!¡ ☆ VIEW CHANGE : ' ' HUSKER ' ' : :

The bartender was watching upon the cleaner and his feminine friend, he had been cleaning a champagne glass, making it more spotless than it already was as nobody had actually used it since nobody currently staying at the hotel drank champagne. He just listened to the pornstar next to him ramble about work with a few dirty jokes inbetween as he complained, seeming as though he used sex jokes as a comfort to his situtation. The winged cat then turned his head to the right and saw the tiny lady scrubbing the counter, cleaning it once again due to how much alochol the bartender himself consumed rather than the members of the hotel.

It was a nice peaceful moment whilst the others were having a chaotic moments upstairs in the hotel but these three didn't know that, not getting affected by it as it didn't involve them. Though, something else would involve them sooner or later but that wasn't right now. Husker then looked at Angel once again, listening in to those complains. He then prepared the sexy addict's usual drink, sliding it over the counter to him. He then tiredly spoke, ' ' It's on the house . . ' ' He stated before slightly smiling, he had grown fond of this actor and it was clear that there was a mutual connection of understanding between them now despite them getting off on the wrong foot at first.

The spider like demon smiled, ' ' Well thanks whiskers . . ' ' He said with the same hint of tiredness in his voice. Everything was peaceful and nice even Nifty wasn't chasing bugs down like a mad woman, she was just peacefully on the counter, cleaning it but that moment didn't last. Someone had shown up at the hotel and her name began with M ! The amazing Mimzy !

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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