! ? : Bar Talk : : [TWO]

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Description !

It has been awhile since Lucifer and Alastor talked to each other face to face, it was strange since well they usually were always beside each other. Though, that didn't stop their communication at all !

Yet sometimes, missing someone's touch is still painful even if they still talk, you know? Ahh yes, how I feel when I can't see my dear friends ! Remember, your lovely narrator has a life too ! Don't get too surprised . .

!¡ ☆ VIEW CHANGE : ' ' HUSK ' ' : :

The tired bar tender stood behind the counter of his bar as where else would he be? Heaven? I don't think so. He took a gulp out of a bottle labeled ' Cheap booze ', not really caring what was actually in it as he was too aware of his own surrondings to deal with a day of the afterlife. There was a peaceful silence around him until he was speedly interrupted by his owner leaning on the counter. God, that smiley thing was so annoying at times.

' ' Why salutations Husker ! Good to see you on a fine day like this one ! ' ' The red head said with that usual shit eating grin of his. The black cat like demon grumbled before speaking up, ' ' What do you need? ' ' He raised an eyebrow, his eyes having a sleepy gaze, which caused the deer to hum in response before speaking once again, ' ' Is it wrong to check on your dear friend~? ' ' He said in a sing song voice causing a feeling of annoyance to edge in his little ' pet '. Husk then took note of the ring his owner wore, ' ' Didn't know you were the jewelery type huh . . ' ' He spoke, taking another gulp of his cheap booze.

' ' Well my good fellow ! As you're a very good friend of mine, I believe I should tell you this is my wedding ring ! ' ' Alastor said putting his hand to his chest as he spoke causing the poor cat like demon to choke on his drink in shock. ' ' I have high doubts for that but when did that happen, boss? ' ' The bar tender replied before his ears dropped slightly as more people entered the lobby, ' ' I don't intend to tell you all of my personal life my dear friend ' ' The radio demon spoke with his forever flawless grin. That was a lie, he had grown slightly soft during the past seven years and so he could talk about his wedding and partner for who knows how long but no one needed to know that.

The kitty cat shrugged it off, being used to Alastor being vague, he honesty had excepted to change at least a little but nope, same old Alastor he remembered. He put his bottle down onto the counter after taking a swig for another day of this little hotel. Don't get me wrong, he has grown fond of them but all of the hotel members are a bit unique in their own ways. ' ' Understood. ' ' He said a simple one word statement in response.

' ' Good boy ! ' ' The red head replied, quickly patting Husker's head which caused a grumble to escape from his lips. An eye roll was also given from the sassy cat, the nerve of this deer made him a bit annoyed. He watched as the red head walked away, not bothering to ask where he was going as Angel Dust had joined by the counter plus it probably would be better to not get into others' business.

Description !

What a charming day like any other day, walking outside was a bit of a chore but seeing what Hell had to offer gave it the forgiveness. I mean the pleasant surprise of seeing that Hell isn't just a burning pit is something worth dying for, right?

You don't have to answer that but what I'm trying to say is that being around such unhinged people can sometimes be a nice thing, gives people a personality but that's my own opinion !

!¡ ☆ VIEW CHANGE : ' ' ALASTOR ' ' : :

The red head was actually going to see Rosie, it had been forever since he saw her and who doesn't love Rosie, I sure do and you're a fool if you don't. He proceeded to walk down the streets, hearing a few gasps and feeling a few glares from very few familiar looking faces but of course, the newer sinners didn't know him as well they've never seen the deer's face before. The radio demon felt a bit out of place since there was newer technology, newer fashion, newer places and he was dressed like someone from the 1930s, how ironic, he was quite literally out of his time.

Soon, he had reached cannibal town, ah just how the sinner remembered, a lovely sight indeed. The smell in the air, the areas that had barely changed, ahhh it was perfect. The deer walked through the town, fixing his outfit as he did so, he is quite a clean person after all but then again, it wouldn't make a difference since Hell reeked, no offense to the sinners, hell born and anyone else though. Even though some people were unhygenic, there were sides of Hell that were rather clean depending on the person, see we aren't shaming everybody.

' ' Ha, it doesn't seem like anyone or anything to be exact changed at all ! ' ' The red head said in his radio effect, his mouth letting out a chuckle after he spoke. He continued walking until he did end up spotting Rosie in a crowd of cannibals. The overlord simply stood aside for his dear friend to soon take notice of him, ' ' Do my eyes decive me? Oh ! Alastor ! Where have you been dearie ! These areas have lost some of their shines and sparkles without you here ! ' ' His ' deer ' friend said, pushing through the crowd to reach him. The sinner was pulled into a hug by his friend, the fairest of all overlords on this side of the pentgram, he let out a fawn squeak as she did so. What a cutie !

Rosie continued, hardly giving Alastor a turn to speak, ' ' Oh? Did you ever end up finding someone to spend your afterlife with? ' ' She said before laughing softly, ' ' I'm joking ! I know you're an ace in the hole ! ' ', that was a term the deer still didn't understand. ' ' A what now? ' ' He raised an eyebrow, he was going to correct his dear friend but he decided against it as he knew she was one of the biggest gossipers he had ever met. The female overlord never seem to explain her words though.

The two did end up having some tea and ladies' fingers, literally, whilst having a long talk about what the two had done over the last seven years, the red head explained small moments in high detail to keep himself a bit more hidden to follow orders from his dear husband, of course while his friend said everything she had been doing, not missing a moment to gossip about a detail. Of course, it wasn't unexcepted from the cannibal, did she seem like the type not to? Don't think so.

Description !

Back at the hotel, it seemed like a bit of a quiet day but the princess of hell was on a phone call and could you guess who?

Let's see if you're right pals ! Alright then, let's head off !


Husk and Angel Dust have been getting along whilst over hearing the princess's phone call, ' ' Hmm . . Looks like daddy is coming home, home for her . . Wonder if he's just as irresistable as some say . . ' ' The pornstar said jokingly with a grin, his so called jokes could basically be classed as sexual harrassment but he's a sinner so it's excepted, yeah? The bar tender groaned before speaking up, ' ' He's the king of hell, I doubt he'd even want to be with a sinner. ' ' He spoke in reply, his assumptions were unsurprisingly wrong though before simply passing the drug addict's drink over.

' ' Yes . . My lord. ' ' // APPLERADIO [ GUARD AU ! ]Where stories live. Discover now