five "S2,E8."

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(Sorry for skipping episode 7 but there just wasn't really any opportunity to put the character in)

Im sitting next to Toni at the Whyte wyrm and Jughead starts to talk "i have an announcement to make, my dad's getting out" people whistle and clap while I just smile. "And when he does, I'll bring him up to speed about our plans with mayor McCoy".

"Thats brilliant" tall boy says "do you have a problem with that tall boy?" I ask sarcastically "your old man? No, I got no problem with him. But you want us to sit down with the mayor" he says standing up and walking over to Jughead.

"I do, he's right. I think we can bring the Southside back. But it's gonna take work and it's going to take compromise" jug says, I look at Toni and give her a worried look.

"We can bring the Southside back" tall boy says laughing "you've been here all of 5 minutes" "tall boy I am sick of you acting like a little bitch, whispering behind my back that im half serpent or I don't belong here. Why don't we put it to a vote? If you guys think what im doing is wrong, I'll step aside"

Toni and I stand "all those that stand with Jughead" I say raising my hand "and think that tall boy should shut the hell up" Toni says putting her hand up aswell. Pretty much everyone in here puts their hand up and tall boy walks out.

That night I lie in bed and find it ever so hard to close my eyes, my dad's coming home tomorrow!! I'm excited I really am but im also a little scared he might fall back into old habits.

Anyways im outside the prison with Ms cooper, Jughead and Betty when we see my dad walk out. He hugs me and jug "hey Betty" he says "hey Mr Jones". "Alice?" He says, "is it true what they say about men that have just come out of prison FP?" Alice asks. "What do they say"

"that they are incredibly sexually frustrated" Ms cooper says looking at my dad. "Mom!" "Wow" "oh!". She hops into the car smirking and we all get in and go to pops.

Ms cooper and Betty are across from us and im in between dad and Jughead. "The black hood is targeting sinners, so I'd watch my back if I were you FP" Ms cooper says "especially once you go back to that gang of hoodlums" "the serpents aren't hoodlums" jug and I say at the same time. "I'm not going back to the serpents Alice" dad says "I thought a lot about this while I was in shankshaw, and im done with serpent life. It's gonna be one last ride for us three but it's too much of a slippery slope for me."

"The serpents need you dad" Jughead says while I look down "jug and Rory need you Mr jones" Betty says. "And what? Pray tell, will you be doing with all your extra time, FP?" Alice changes the subject "working" dad says "I saw a help wanted sign on the window, I thought I might talk to pop about picking up some shifts" "well let's hope your plans don't come crashing down once you start drinking again" Ms cooper says

That bitch! Who does she think she is! "Excuse me Ms cooper but I don't really think that's any of your business" I say "it's okay Rory" dad tells me

"I'm actually in AA, I started in jail and I don't plan on stopping" dad explains. We all finish our food and stuff and it's a bit awkward so we leave.

Jug wanted to go someplace so we could catch him up to I hoped on the back of dads bike and jug hopped on his bike and we drove to a mountain or something, all I know is the scenery is beautiful.

I stand at the edge of the cliff holding onto the fence while dad talks with jug. "Just promise me you'll keep writing?" Dad asks "I will, I do, everyday" jug replies "and you lollipop promise you'll keep reading" he yells to me I smile and nod, walking over and putting on my helmet.

The next day im sat at the bar, Betty's next to me planning the party and Toni's on the other side of the bar.

"You have a stage. Would you be open to me bringing a karaoke machine?" Betty asks "for FPs retirement? Sure why not" Toni smiles cleaning a glass

"Also Toni, one of the reason I wanted to talk to you,beyond the party planning is.. I've been walking the razors edge since Jughead joined the serpents. And all I've been thinking is as soon as FP gets home, everything will be better. He'll be three to protect Jughead and make sure he doesn't get hurt" Betty says and Toni agrees "but that's my whole point, I do worry. So I wanna keep and eye on Jughead myself. Make sure as deep into these snake infested waters as he goes, he doesn't do something that you know, puts him in danger" Betty explains

"So what? You wanna be a serpent" Toni says, I cannot see that happening. "Let's say serpent-adjacent, but yeah, part of his world, of this world." Some chick behind us starts laughing

"Shut it byrdie" Toni says, "sorry sweet valley high, if you wanna join the club you gotta do the dance, the serpent dance." Byrdie says "excuse me? Serpent dance" Betty says confused

"It's some out-dated decoy serpent tradition. I tried to get it outlawed but misogyny dies hard" Toni says "did you have to do it?" Betty asks me "not yet but i am soon, I got the date locked in and everything" I say "you don't wanna know" Toni says "uh yeah, I do, I wanna know everything " Betty says

Me, dad and jug walk into out trailer. Jugs holding a bag of takeout"a party? No,no. The problem is im trying to keep the serpents in my rearview mirror, remember?" Dad says "it's one night" jug starts "not even it's like three hours" i continue "you've done right by the serpents, let them do right by you" jug finishes, we got in the habit of talking like that when we were kids because we thought it was funny, now I guess we can't really stop.

Dad sits down at the table with us "cmon, it's the end of and era" I say, dad sighs "okay". Jugs phone starts ringing "it's Archie, don't bogart the egg rolls" he says walking away

"So" dad says and I look up "yeah?" "Have you uh, done the uh... the uh serpent uh dance?" "Oh my god dad" I say "not yet but soon". He looks weird. "Oh uhh erm okay" and we sit in silence till Jughead says he has to go, once I finish my food I head to bed "goodnight dad, it's good to have you back." I say "night lollipop"

I'm at the retirement party, im kind of excited to do this dance but im also scared. Me and Betty are doing it together so hopefully that makes my nerves leave a little.

Betty walks in with ms cooper oh my god dare I say Ms cooper looks so hot!

Archie and Veronica start singing and they actually sound so good, but why do I sense tension between them? Me and Betty are 'backstage' you could call it. Then Veronica runs sway soon Archie follows.

It's time.

Me and Betty get up and start dancing my eyes dart around the room, you can easily tell which one of us people are looking at. I lol at jug and he's looking straight at Betty, phew.

My eyes continue looking and I spot a certain sweet pea looking straight at me, I watch as his eyes trace every part of my body, analysing it.

The dance finishes and dad is the first one to clap, that's a bit weird. "Let's give them a round of applause" dad says and every starts clapping and wooing. "Let's show them some of thatt serpent hospitality we are known for."

I'm easily dressed again and Dad starts his speech "you know what I've been in and out of the serpents since I was younger then my twins. And it's been a, a wild ride. Good times, bad times. But through it all the serpents stuck by my side, while most other peopel turned their backs to me. My own family included" he looks at me and jug "now, the letter of the law says that I can't be here, in the serpent den, that I can't associate with my friends, my real family, my blood" "ouch" I say to Jughead "but I've been thinking about that, and it'll be a cold day in hell before a snake lets a pig tell him what to do! The Northside wants me out of this gang? Well they better bring a coffin, 'cause FP jones isn't retiring. I am not going gently into the night, I am here to stay! So bring the fire!" He finishes his speech

Psycho, I have a psycho for a dad.

I'm standing with Jughead when they come over with shots "hail to the king!" They yell before taking them, what the fuck did I just get myself into.

I'm about to leave when I run into sweet pea "sorry" I say trying to leave when he grabs my wrist "Betty looked better then you up there tonight" ouch! "Then why couldn't you keep your eyes of my body not hers" I say "it wasn't looking at you" he lies "you know when your standing on that stage you really can see everything" I say and he grits his teeth "bye" I smirk and head home.

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