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I swipe the keycard, and the door opens. "Alright, here we go."

I walk through the door and see a massive hole in the ground, other than that there wasn't really anything of note here.

"Let's get to the bottom of this." I say as I jump into the hole.

Dive into the hidden secrets of Base Hawk. Discover the reality.

I land on the ground with a soft thud. The fall wasn't that long. I look back at the hole. "There's no turning back now."

I look around the new place that I'm in, it seemed to look like an abandoned facility. To the left there is a long hallway with large dirt piles and a broken tank.

To the right there was a smaller cave with sandbags as barricades.

There was also a locked door in front of me, with a lock on the door.

Now, normally people would go around looking for a key, but why do that when you have a dense titanium water bottle that is still 90% filled with good old H2O?

So I started tearing down the lock.


Dang, it's taking forever. The lock is showing no signs of damage.

Okay fine! I'm searching for the key.

I searched around the facility.




I facepalmed.

Guess where the key was?

That's right, it's on a table next to said locked door.

So, I grab the key, unlocked the door and kicked the door open.

There was a rusted generator, with a control panel next to it.

"Hey let's start up the generator."

I activate the generator...

It worked, It worked! It actually worked!!

Hang on-

Worked, past tense.

The generator shut down a few seconds after I activated it.

"Huh, guess it was overloaded," I said to myself. "I'm going to let it cool off."

I hear some zombies groaning. "Ah, there they are, was starting to get a bit worried that they didn't show up." I jokingly said to myself.

I grab my pistol, in a small room such as this one a marksman rifle would be fairly difficult to use properly.

The door next to the control panel was kicked down, and with it came a horde of zombies.

So anyway I started blasting.

Here's how it went:


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