The Rookies and the Rogue Student

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Meanwhile, back at Chor-Gom Prison, Tai Lung is glaring intently ahead as he uses Zeng's feather to pick the lock from the armor. When he succeeds, the accupuncture needles in the armor remove themselves from his body. He breathes out as he regains movement in his arms. All of a sudden, Tai Lung bursts free from his armor. The Commander runs to the ledge, the goose right behind him.

Vachir: NO!

Zeng: What's happening?!

The goose looks over the edge and is horrified when he sees Tai Lung at the bottom of the pit. Tai Lung struggles with his shackles, attached to the huge boulders.

Vachir: Crossbows!

Tai Lung dodges several of the incoming spears and then moves himself so the next one breaks him free of one of his shackles, much to the guards' horror. With his free paw, he rips off the other one.

Zeng: Tai Lung is free! I must warn Shifu!

Zeng attempts to flee, but the Commander grabs he neck, preventing him from leaving.

Vachir: You're not going anywhere, and neither is he!

Zeng: Let go of me!

Vachir: *To guards* Bring it up!

The winch turns, and the elevator starts to rise. A rhino guard tries to reach it, but just misses.

Rhino Guard One: Wait! Bring it back!

The rhinos begin to attack Tai Lung, firing spears at him, one of which he redirects into the crossbow, destroying it, and the rest he kicks back up into the walls, creating a makeshift staircase. He begins making his way up the spears towards the elevator.

Zemg: He's coming this way!

Vachir: He won't get far. *To guards* Archers!

Leaping across the spears, Tai Lung catches the elevator, hiding under it as the volley of arrows flies down past him. The guards cut the rope, and the elevator crashes back down to the bottom of the pit. The guards celebrate for a second before Tai Lung swings up from the bottom of the elevator house and catches the guards by surprise. He grabs the chain and jumps over the edge and swings around, launching himself up to the next tier, disappearing into the shadows. Tai Lung lands on a bridge, fights his way through hundreds of guards, finally reaching the top tier where the Commander (who was still clutching Zeng) and the rest of the rhino army await him.

Zeng: We're dead. So very, very dead.

Vachir: *Laughs* Not yet, we're not! Now!

An archer fires a flaming arrow upwards and sets off charges on the ceiling. Massive stalactites crash down, and the bridge begins to crumble. Tai Lung leaps across the crumbling debris and attempts one last huge jump towards the Commander. But he falls short, claws scraping and sparking against the rock wall. The Commander laughs maniacally. On his way down, Tai Lung looks up and sees a fuse burning down to the last group of explosives. He leaps across the raining debris up to the ceiling of the cavern. Grabbing a hold of the dynamite, Tai Lung falls towards the army.

Zeng: Can we run now?

Vachir: *Sobs in terror* Yes.

Tai Lung flings the dynamite... KA-THOOM! The door blasts open, and Rhinos go flying everywhere. WHUMP. The goose hits the ground among them. He coughs out some smoke and is startled when the commander's horn prosthetic falls in front of him. Suddenly, Tai Lung's paw closes around his throat. Tai Lung lifts Zeng and looks at him for a moment. Then he sighs.

Tai Lung: I'm glad Shifu sent you. I was beginning to think I had been forgotten.

With a creepy tenderness, Tai Lung smooths the goose's ruffled feathers. Then, he leans closer to Zeng.

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