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Charlotte Woods

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Charlotte Woods

As I walk into the kitchen, I notice my phone light up as it sits on the island. I glance over at the screen and I find that I have a missed message–from an unknown number. I grab the phone while sitting down on a chair at the island, and I open the message.

"Meet me at the ice cream parlor in fifteen minutes, found the first clue."

Finn. But how did he get my number? Before yesterday, I hadn't spoken to him in years. Even in the time I had known him, he never even acknowledged me. He only noticed me if we were in private, and even that was merely a small passtime. No more than a conversation of convenience. But this, this seems to be real. He could have completely ignored me and taken the mission for himself, but he didn't. This is all so puzzling and I have no idea what to think. I can't tell whether or not I want to continue down this path of friendship or allow it to crash and burn like it's meant to.

I reluctantly stand up and walk towards my bedroom in my apartment. I didn't end up going to my parents house last night, it was just easier to come home. Meredith was not thrilled to say the least. I do feel bad sometimes, due to the fact that I'm never home. I hope this will be my last mission for a while, because I truly do hate being away from her.

My eyes float to a simple yellow sundress hanging in my closet. I quickly grab it and a pair of sandals. As I toss the dress on I look up at the clock and find that I'm running late. I quickly rush, throwing my hair into a small braid down my back. I decided to skip out on the flowers, I can live without another embarrassing conversation like last night.

As I walk through the door of the parlor, I see him leaning on the wall facing me. He peers down to the small intricate watch on his wrist, then looks up at me.

"You're three minutes late," he remarks while looking at me.

I feel my cheeks become flushed with a pink tint. I begin to try and make up an excuse but he laughs quietly and turns around. He starts to walk away and I clear my head while following after him. He sits down at a small table in the back corner of the room and I follow behind him, sitting down a few moments after him.

"So," I start while looking around. "What is so important that I had to be here within a few mere minutes?"
"Our first clue is hidden at the library." He states simply, and gives me a look as if to tell me that I should've known.
"And that's supposed to explain why we're at an ice cream shop?" I ask while raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"It's the only way I thought you'd actually show up," he says, "for ice cream."

My face drops to a scowl and he smiles with delight. I can't believe he would treat me like a child—expecting me to show up only for ice cream. Who does he think he is?

"What are you waiting for?" I ask standing up quickly. "Let's get ice cream then move to the library." I try to refrain from grinning.

I really do love ice cream.

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