She decided to think of a plan and then saw a Stag. She sent Ghost at it.


(Jonas Bloquet as Ned Stark)

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(Jonas Bloquet as Ned Stark)

Ned had noticed the changes in his daughter Alarra as soon as she walked in with that bloody giant Direwolf and dragging that dead Stag into Winterfell months ago. Mostly the Southern servants had been terrified and one of them tried to attack her with a knife before Alarra stopped her and seized her knife as she cut the servant's throat with her own knife ruthlessly, as the Direwolf began to devour her, horrifying all Southerners as Alarra stared at them coldly

She had become more confident and walked with her head held high, which was a good thing of course.

She was still the same girl who helped the servants around the castle in their work, be it cooking or cleaning. However, she had become more fierce and ruthless ..... another way to describe her transformation would be to remember when she castrated 4 of his guards a month ago when they tried to harass her, and insulted Theon by reminding him of his place as a hostage when he insulted her, but she slashed his left eye when he tried to hit her. These incidents had Robb complaining about her and insulting her.

She had somehow become an expert hand-to-hand combatant. Robb had once insulted her by calling her a bastard and disgust of House Stark and she insulted him back by calling him 'the Fishface born in the South'. It was a sensitive topic to Robb that he didn't look like a Stark and was born in Riverrun, while being named after a Southerner even if Robert was a King. A furious Robb tried slapping her but Allara punched him in the face and broke his right arm with which he slapped her.

Catelyn had yelled and tried to slap Allara, and Catelyn had 4 of her ribs broken, had a split lip, fractured neck and a fractured arm like her son. Her Tully guards tried to attack Allara ..... but she and Ghost decorated the grounds of Winterfell with their blood.

All these years, Catelyn had turned his children's ears against their older sister and it was his fault. He should have kicked her out of Winterfell, but he didn't have the heart to, he couldn't seperate the children from their mother.

" she attacked me - Aaargh !!!, your lady wife " Catelyn groaned in pain as her right arm was in a sling, and her gums were in pain from 5 broken teeth and split lip as well as pain in movement due to injured ribs.

" more like a cheap commodity he was forced to purchase " Alarra rolled her eyes.

The guards nearby had to stifle their laughter and so did Ned.

Catelyn had a grand time trying to glare at Alarra, and failing as she had bandages around her neck and she cried in pain.

" be grateful I am not punishing your son for insulting his older sister and resorting to hitting her when he couldn't take an insult after giving it " Ned coldly said to Catelyn, to the woman's anger " get out of my sight ".

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