Visit From The Wind(Venrina)

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The story takes place before 4.2. i also dont know too much about Furina's past but i know the main parts of it(idk what thats supposed to mean..)

Furina's POV is another day..When will my suffering end..


No! Its not the time to be thinking about thet right now! I have an important show coming up! I shook my head trying to get negative thoughts out of my mind.

I walk out of my room and greet a few people.
..Huh..was it always this windy? I thought when i arrived outside.

After many centuries of walking in and out of this building, it has never been this windy strange..

I decided that i will take a walk around Fontaine since i don't really have any work right now.


Eh? Whats all that noise? Why is there a crowd over there?..Whatever probably not important. I don't want any unnecessary attention right now...

I walk further away from the crowd but all of a sudden a big gust of wind comes and pushes me towards the crowd.

"What the?!"

The wind drags me all the way to the crowd and then brings me up in the sky above the crowd.


The wind disappears and i start to fall. When im about to hit the ground, someone catches me. i open my eyes to see someone with teal braids and big wings..WAIT WINGS!?!?

I can feel the crowd staring at me and the winged person.

"Why is Lady Furina here?!"

"How did she get here??"

"Lady Furina dropped from the sky!"

"The Anemo Archon caught her!"


"Good morning Lady Furina! You must be the Hydro Archon! Its a pleasure to meet you! My name is Barbatos, im the Anemo Archon."

"EH?!?-Ahem..What is the Anemo Archon doing here in Fontaine? Also, can you let me down please!"

"Oh! Right, my apologies Lady Furina. I almost forgot i was holding you."


"..What business does the God of Freedom need here in Fontaine..?"

"Oh, its nothing really, i just wanted to visit. Maybe I'll stay here for a bit."

"Eh? But what about your nation?"

"I believe that my nation can take care of themselves perfectly fine without me! They been doing it for a long time already. I just watch over them."

"O-Oh i see.. Well, Welcome to Fontaine! It is a pleasure to have you here Lord Barbatos."

"Thank you! And please just call me Barbatos, we are colleagues after all!"

"If you insist, Barbatos. I'll have a hotel room set up for you in a bit!"

"Thanks, but isn't that a bit too much?"

"Well, you are older then me, i have to respect my elders!"

"Eh?! Im not that old!"

"Pfft! Im just kidding Barbatos. You can come with me for now until your hotel room is ready."


I walk him out of the crowd and tell my people not to follow us, but they probably will anyway..

Heh, hes nice to be around, and i just met him. And...thats the first time in a while that i actually laughed genuinely..
What an interesting and humble god..

"So where are we heading now?"


I observe Barbatos, and realized what he was wearing.. i felt my face turn a bit red.

"Um..i think we should get you some clothes first.."

"Why? Im already wearing clothes?"

" see.. the clothes you are wearing now, isn't really appropriate in Fontaine.."

"Ohh..Sorry i forget sometimes that i have revealing clothes.."

"Y-you dont have to change it!  Its just probably better so it doesn't bring to much attention.."

"Are you saying that im attractive?"

"W-WHAT?! N-NO! I never said that!!" My face turns even more red.

"Ehe, im just joking!"

"Well don't joke about things like that!...Also, were you the one who used the wind to bring me to you?"

"Oh yeah! Sorry about that.."

"Its fine! I guess it was a little fun to be picked up by the wind, it just startled me.."

I can't sound disrespectful to him! He is a real god, im not! And it was DEFINITELY NOT fun, but thats sounds so rude!! UGHHH, why must this be so hard..

"Do you want to do it again?"

"U-Uh, i think im good.."

"Oh, ok!"

They hang out and talk about things at a cafe. After a while, Barbatos's hotel room is ready so they both say their goodbyes and say that they will meet eachother again later.


Finally done..with the first part. Theres a second part fortunately but its unfortunate for my hands and brain.. i think i accidentally made this longer then it should've been..

-820 words-

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