Love and care

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The night was passing and the stars shone while the moon was slowly trying to get away from the night sky. The dawn was just going to break and the blanket of darkness was coming off slowly. The darker colours of the sky were turning lighter and a peaceful silence was observed. People were sleeping some in their dreamlands and some tossing and turning with something on their minds.

Meanwhile a couple in the Khan Bahadur residence was in deep sleep cuddling with each other, lighter smiles on both of their faces. A contentment visible in their demeanours. That was their routine they can't sleep properly without one another they need each other's warmth and embrace, wrapped up like a cocoon.
All of a sudden Umeed's eyebrows scrunched and lips turned down a pained expression forming on her face. She got up trying to get out of Farjaad's big arms not wanting to wake him up. Getting up slowly she tip toed into the washroom and closed the door in such a manner that it doesn't make a sound.
On the other hand, Farjaad feeling the absence of his Umeed opened his eyes slightly and raked them finding her. Seeing the washroom light turned on he slept again with one arm under his head and other on his eyes.

Umeed groaned when another wave of pain hit her. Her periods are here. They are early this time. She had planned her activities according to her cycle but this time nature had other plans. Getting her routine done she put her hands on the washroom slab as another cramp came and her eyes close shut tightly. Whimpering lightly she washed her hands and went back to the bedroom. Seeing Farjaad turned towards the other side in a deep sleep she smiled lightly but than again closed her eyes as the cramps were getting stronger. This is what always happens with her. Climbing on the bed she laid down and pulled the duvet up on her trying to sleep but the pain was hard. When it's intensity lessened somehow Umeed went to sleep while whimpering lightly and groaning.

The sun rose and now the sky was bathing in the golden daylight. The birds were flying and people started their daily routine. Farjaad woke up and turned his alarm off but when he was going to wake Umeed up he saw her curled up in a ball knees near her chest and arms around them. Slight whimpers were coming out of her lips even though she was sleeping. Farjaad understood what might be the matter but then confusion appeared on his face as he clearly remembers her period date. Picking his phone up and opening the tracker app he installed, he checked and yes they were early this time. Getting up he moved towards the drawer of their wardrobe and pulled out a hot water bag, filling it up with hot water and checking the heat level he walked back towards Umeed and kissing her forehead he put the hot water bag on her lower abdomen after slightly pulling her shirt up and then pulled the duvet back on her tucking her in. This gave relief to her to some extent as her demeanour changed slightly. Farjaad then went inside the closet taking out the most comfortable clothes for her and ironed them up. Taking a bath himself and getting dressed up in a casual T paired with regular jeans he picked up his car keys and went to the market to buy some things. On the way he called his assistant asking her to clear his schedule for the upcoming 3 days and that no one should call him. Cutting the call he parked the car and hopped off quickly taking the shopping cart and grabbing all the things he knew they'll need later. Paying the bill and picking up those big shopping bags he walked back towards the car put them inside and sat back in. Starting the car he drove back home picking up a bouquet of roses on the way.

When he came back Umeed was still asleep but was restless. Checking her again he sighed thinking that this girl is in pain and he hates it whenever she's in pain it hurts him too. Wiping the lone tear that escaped her closed eyes gently with his thumb he pecked her lips gently and got up again. Going back into the kitchen he made piping hot tea for her with some waffles she loves topping them up with chocolate syrup and some cream. Grabbing the tray he went back upstairs seeing Umeed already awake smiling at her he walked towards her putting the tray on the bed side table he sat beside her saying

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