Chapter 23

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December 28th, 1993

The next day, Leopold and Larissa took the kids to ice cream, preparing to have a serious conversation with them.

"What's this all about Maman?" Damian narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "you normally don't take us out to ice cream. Spill."

"We just wanted to discuss the wedding with you," Larissa assured her son, "nothing more than that."

"I forgot that getting married involves a wedding to be honest," Larissa  rubs the back of her head sheepishly, "that was rather stupid of me."

"I'm sure your wedding will be stunning," Serena squeezed her cousin's hand reassuringly, "I can't wait to see you in a dress.  You're one of the prettiest people I know, so I'm sure you'll look dazzling."

"Thanks Ree," Larissa squeezed back. Serena was her closest cousin, the two of them being born only three months apart. They had grown up playing together, the visits from the French Delancys being one of the highlights of her childhood. 

"Oh," Damian blushed in embarrassment, "do go on then."

"We've decided on an August wedding," Leopold began, gouging the reaction of the triplets. The triplets simply glanced at each other, before refocusing their attention on their stepfather to be.

"We hope that you all will participate in the wedding party," Larissa told her children, yet lingering beneath the surface, the children could tell there was something that she was holding back, wrestling with herself to decide whether to tell or not.

"Is there anything specific you want us to do?" Victor probed gently, not wanting to startle his mother. "You can tell us anything."

"I was thinking," Larissa began, but then quickly cut herself off, "no, it's stupid. Never mind you three."

"We want to hear what you have to say," Layla voiced the sentiment that she and her brothers felt, "just tell us what you want. We want to make you happy on your big day."

 "Why is their family standing together?" Regulus Black couldn't help but feel jealous. These three children were of lesser blood than him, filthy bastards, yet they seemed more powerful, more confidant than him. How was it possible that a blood traitor could be having more success than any Black in their generation? How was it possible that a weak woman, unable to prevent herself from rape, had more standing and happiness than himself? 

Regulus didn't understand where all the promises Mother, Father, Grandfather, and Grandfather had made had gone. Had they not promised that they, the Noble and Ancient House of Black, would reign supreme under the Dark Lord's benevolent rule? They had soothed his queasiness surrounding the murder and war the death eaters created, swearing that very soon, the Age of Wizards would arise, and they would be able to rule unbridled. That they were going to set things right, put the world back in its natural order. These visions have only showed the Dark Lord's death as a balm to the chaos that their wolrd had mired in for the last decade. How come peace only came when their savior was gone?

Regulus had a lot of questions, so many that they were beginning to flood his head. Why were they purebloods better? Had that Mudblood that Potter was infatuated with, Lily something, not proven that mudbloods weren't lacking power? For Salazar's sake! She was responsible for the Dark Lord's demise! A mudblood! Who truly was the Dark Lord anyways? Regulus had been brought up learning and memorizing the family trees of all the pureblod families over the years, even ones who had died out. So how could a person with an illustrious background like being Slytherin's heir, remain unknown?

They had taken his parslemouth abilities as a proof, but Regulus knew there were other parlemouths in the world. How did they know the Dark Lord was Slytherin's heir anyways? He must remember to his ask his grandfather. There had to be a rational explanation. Otherwise, why would so many people of illustrious backgrounds and intelligence support him. Sure, he was powerful, but anyone educated in magic and politics knows that a leader is nothing without a following. What exactly was it that he was missing? Maybe, if he figured that out, he could rid himself of these pesky doubts.

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