Don't be turned of or offended if I...

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I don't think I have to explain what the title means.
This is just me being me, don't think I don't like you because of this!

1) I don't want you to touch me.
I feel like this is both not an INFJ-T thing and also an INFJ-T thing. I am certainly more disinclined to touch than the other 3 INFJ-T that I know! It's not about you, there are only three people in this world who can touch me without me being squirmish and uncomfortable, my parents and my brother. My friends can when I'm really emotional.
If you want to touch me best version, offer a high five. Although if I don't like you I will react reluctant and if I don't know you well, hesitant.
If you want to be able to touch me than you have to build an emotional connection, like my family and friends have.
By touch I mean handshakes, hugs etc.

2) State anything "mean".
My intention is never to hurt someone. I didn't mean to hurt you. As far as I can remember I have never intentionally hurt someone.

3) Don't really want to speak.
Even with people I'm really close to, sometimes I just don't want social interaction. If I talk to you again at some point, than I am just tired. If I don't, well you've just experienced the doorslam. You have hurt me extremely in some kind of way and I don't want you in my life. No one has ever returned to my life after a doorslam before so take that as you will. I think it is possible but extremely difficult and will take up a lot of your time and effort.

4) I don't smile.
Most likely I am analysing you which is (if continuous) good news: I like you. Maybe I do not like you but I will show it with more than just not smiling.

5) I laugh.
If I'm overly smily and giggly. You are most likely making me uncomfortable somehow. Or your funny. Either one, a crush can make me feel that way. So don't jump to conclusions!

6) Question your view.
I love debating. If I question your view, I'm trying to have a debate with you. Something I only do with people I like.
If I'm trying to convince you of my view, than I care about you because I care about what you think about me on a deeper level than being socially acceptable.

There's probably a ton more I do but this is what I can come up with for now.
If an INFJ has done something to you and your not sure which way to take it than leave a comment and I will reply with how I would feel if I reacted that way!

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