29 | The Blind Priestess

Start from the beginning

"Are you both lost?"

Her voice came out gentle and kind. Her hands crossed in front of her delicately. She wore a silver chain around her head, with a dew-drop crystal hanging from the center of her forehead.

For someone who looked as ethereal as her, they immediately recognized it was the High Priestess herself—the owner of the building.

She's blind, Luwen realized, which would explain the lack of candlelight in this place. The High Priestess didn't need the light and was independent. It was astonishing she could move so quietly and quickly without them noticing her presence earlier. How long had she stood there waiting for them to notice her?

"High Priestess, we didn't mean to intrude into your residence. We're leaving now," Biyu answered, but the priestess held up a hand to stop them from leaving. She inclined her head to the side slightly, listening and seeking for something. Her chin tipped towards Luwen's direction.

After several seconds of silence, she breathed out.

"It doesn't belong to you."

Biyu looked confused, but the High Priestess didn't direct her words at her. They were meant for Luwen, who now stood rigid and shaken to her core. Only she understood the true meaning of those words.

The High Priestess knows.

Luwen's body trembled, her fingers shaking in intense fear. This person was the first to learn about her secret and realize she was an imposter. She was a soul inhabiting another person's body, and this defied the laws of nature.

Several outcomes of this situation formed in her mind, of how she would meet her demise. If the High Priestess informed anyone, especially her lord, this would be the end of her.

With her tongue tied, she could not refute the High Priestess's words. The point of denial was lost when they both knew the truth.

Fortunately, Biyu remained oblivious to the severity of the situation.

"I can't quite understand your words, High Priestess. We took nothing that belongs to you from the residence."

A smile graced the High Priestess's lips. "Forgive me, I misspoke. I'm hoping to invite the princess to have some tea with me in the temple, alone."

Confusion crossed Biyu's features, but she relented. "I'll wait here," she told Luwen.

The High Priestess ambled past them and into the temple. Left without a choice, Luwen followed her and closed the entrance doors behind them. She wouldn't want others to eavesdrop on their conversation.

The priestess brewed tea with precise movements, even though she couldn't see. "You may sit with me, child."

Luwen, nervous, followed instructions. In the presence of the High Priestess, she felt like a child caught red-handed for causing trouble. "How did you know?"

The High Priestess delayed her response by serving tea to Luwen. "The lifeline on the palms of the body you're currently living in is short," she answered. "You're supposed to be dead and yet you're still alive. I can sense some dark magic around you too."

She was referring to the spell that the matriarch had used on Luwen. "I got forced against my will to enter this body. This isn't what I want."

The High Priestess released a weary sigh, her hands clasped together tightly. "So it was the matriarch then. You've become her victim too."

Overwhelmed by a sudden rush of emotions, Luwen's eyes pricked with tears. The understanding in the High Priestess's voice and the empathy in her words made her feel like she wasn't alone. That it wasn't her fault for inhabiting this body and being tasked to kill the lord.

"Are you going to inform your people about me?"

The High Priestess gave a tight smile. "It depends on what you do next."

"What do you mean?"

"Your soul is incompatible with this body and you won't live long. You need to leave this body and return to where you came from. If you're worried about me telling others about your secret, it will all depend on your decision of choosing to walk the path of good or evil."

This meant if Luwen followed through the matriarch's command and brought harm to others, the High Priestess would tattletale and have her apprehended immediately.

But that wasn't what she wanted. "Can I undo this spell by myself? Or can you undo it?"

"I'm afraid I can't help you. The spell caster is the only person who can undo it safely. Involving me in the process might cause permanent destruction to your soul."

A feeling of helplessness and panic welled up in Luwen. "Help me," she pleaded. "I don't know how to get myself out of this mess. I couldn't find any answers in the books."

The High Priestess pressed her lips together tightly, wearing a troubled look. "Unfortunately, I do not have an answer to your problem. Fate has control over everything now."

"If you can't give me answers, are you able to tell me when I'm dying?"

There was a silence, tense and heavy, until a reply came. "It will be much sooner than you think." 

Stunned, Luwen inhaled sharply, her heart plummeting like a dislodged stone into the canyon. Whatever was left of her hope was obliterated. "How?" 

"I'm sorry." The High Priestess shook her head. "My visions do not come at will."

A tear coursed down Luwen's cheek. What was the use of seeking others' help when her destiny had already been predetermined? She was due to fail her mission, lose her right to return to her own body, and perish forever.

She sniffed quietly and wiped her tears away with the back of her sleeve, reining her emotions in before she would break apart.

The High Priestess let out a sigh.

"Do not lose hope, child, for your soul shines the brightest among all I've seen. Your destiny line is constantly weaving. There is still a chance."

A/N: Please smash that star ⭐️ button

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A/N: Please smash that star ⭐️ button. It will make me a very happy girl. 😂

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