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Let's start with the signs I give if I'm attracted to someone.

Most of these won't help you identify who I like but that's just life, at least you know I like someone.
Also, I'm demi sexual, meaning I experience secondary attraction before primary. So this may only apply to demi sexual INTJ-T's. I'm sure a Allo sexual, a sexual or any other type of experiencing attraction will inform you about any diferences with experience in the comments!

One big give away is that I will put effort I to my looks.
I'm not really bothered by my looks. However, if I like someone I might pit perfume on or leave my hair open. When I am attracted to someone I will put effort into my outfit, making sure it reflects me more!

My inner control freak is triple the intensity.
Sadly for my ENFP-A friend this is true and it mostly effects her as she is uncontrollable ,there are ways to do so but I don't like to use them. Suddenly, I want her to stop poking someone or pay attention in class or stop putting my hair on my cruches table (she has no idea who my crush is he just happens to be behind us and looking our way when she was looking for someone to terrorise) etc. My judging area is increased and I can't cope with anything unexpected or going against my morals.

My hopes are to meet them and I will look into the distance more in the hope of seeing them.
It's not staring, more like a I want to spend time with you and understand you. I don't think it's very noticeable, considering I do stare of into space anyway sometimes. What often happens is I lock eyes with lot's of people not just my crush and look away or continue to stare blankly for each one of them, including my crush.

I will talk to the person.
This isn't always an indicator of attraction. If I'm making an effort to turn around or move in any way specifically to talk to you, you aren't near my friend (although I have used that as an excuse)  and I'm talking to you than I might have a crush on you. Another give away, I will have been dying to talk to you for a long time. If you can sense it than your in, in the very least as a friend.

I talk about the person.
My ,INFJ-T, friend has failed to pick this up. I cover my desire to talk about this person with an irritated mood! If I'm not into someone and I find them annoying I will not keep refering to them and normally just talk about the social group that they come from. I want to share my feelings with thise I care about but at the same time this isn't one of the feelings I'm that open to sharing, so I'm conflicted and decide to tell them like this.

I think more about the concept of attraction.
It isn't a coincidence that I'm writing this now or that I realised I was demi sexual. Being attracted to someone sheds light on the topic and so using my introverted intuition I have to analyse it!

I know lot's more about you than other people who have your status with me.
Here is my hierarchy of how much I care about people:
Friendly acquaintance
THOSE people

If you notice that I know more about you than other's in rhe group your in than you aren't in the group you think you are in, your an individual around friends and family.
Most people don't know where they are on this hierarchy and they also don't realise how much I know about everyone. So make sure. If I know your mbti and your not in my friendship qroup than your either really interesting or I have a crush on you.

If I talk to you deeply, about an interest or about myself!
This isn't really attraction, it's more like, if I respect, trust, like you and have an emotional connection with you, I will do this.

There are probably more and I will add them if I realise them but this is what I've noticed for now.

I hope you found theis helpful!
Next chapter, don't be offended or turned off if I do this...

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